Gak for sale! Gak for sale!

This afternoon sixth graders enrolled in Freshwater Elementary School’s community service elective class staged a fundraiser from a small booth at the corner of Myrtle Avenue and Freshwater Road. The beneficiary of the kids’ hard work? Local hero Betty Chinn. The product being pitched? Well, there were baked goods and finely painted rocks, sure, but LoCO was most taken with the ramekins full of various colors of “Science Gak” — retail price $1.

(Note: LoCO is very pleased with its “Thanos Gak” purchase. Thanks, gak chefs.)

Freshwater teacher, Mrs. Rush, told the Outpost that funds raised will go toward the preparation of a meal her students plan to serve to residents of Betty Chinn’s Blue Angel Village, which houses locals attempting to transition out of homelessness. Prior to today’s event, Chinn visited Rush’s class and shared details of her inspiring journey and her life’s work with the youth.

In the clip below, hear more about today’s fundraiser from some of the Freshwater Elementary School students who made it happen.