Humboldt County Office of the District Attorney press release: 

On October 16th , Judge Christopher Wilson sentenced 60-year-old Guy Douglas Robinson of McKinleyville to 22 years in prison, following Robinson’s guilty pleas to Continuous Sexual Abuse of a Child and Lewd and Lascivious Acts on a child under age 14.

The case originated on July 17, 2018, when Jane Doe’s disclosure of sexual abuse was reported to the Humboldt County Sheriff’s Office (HCSO) by a person legally required to do so. Jane Doe revealed sexual abuse by her mother’s ex-boyfriend beginning when she was 6 years old, continuing until she reached age 11.  The HCSO promptly set up an interview by the Child Abuse Services Team.  Jane Doe provided highly specific and clear descriptions of the abuse to Child Forensic Interviewer Dori Larson.  Further investigation by HCSO Deputy Ryan Hill revealed that Jane Doe’s older sister had also been sexually abused by the defendant and had reported the incident to her mother. 

Deputy District Attorney Whitney Timm – who handled the case - and others in the Humboldt County District Attorney’s Office wish to express their great respect and appreciation for Jane Doe. She is responsible for the degree of justice achieved in this case and perhaps for the prevention of the abuse of others.