Video by Erin Claybon.
A seemingly wounded mountain lion was seen wandering the 4300 Block of Jacoby Creek Road in Bayside yesterday at about 7:30 p.m.
Resident Erin Claybon shared this video that she took of the animal hobbling across a home’s front yard before it scampered out of sight.
“It definitely looked like it was injured,” she told the Outpost.
Claybon said she reported the sighting to the California Department of Fish and Wildlife. The Outpost reached out to CDFW mountain lion biologist Justin Dellinger, who said he had no background information on the incident.
“Looks like [the] back right leg is broken,” Dellinger said. “Could be from anything, maybe hit by a car. Injuries can cause animals to become desperate when it comes to securing food but it’s not a 100 percent correlation between injury and being more dangerous. Residents in that area live in lion country so they should always be vigilant anyway.”
Bayside residents may want to keep their pets indoors until the coast is clear. We will update this story if more information becomes available.

A close-up image of the mountain lion taken from the video.