The EcoNews Report is back!
EDITOR’S NOTE: Remember the EcoNews Report? It was that handy, locally produced environmental news roundup on KHSU that you used to tune into on Thursday afternoons, back when KHSU was a thing.
Now, readers/listeners, it is back! Every Saturday at 10 a.m., the Lost Coast Outpost and our sister station KHUM (104.3 and 107.3 FM) will bring you the newly revamped half-hour enviro news/chat program with all the old familiar faces — Jen Kalt (Humboldt Baykeeper), Tom Wheeler (Environmental Protection Information Center), Larry Glass (Northcoast Environmental Center) and Scott Greacen (Friends of the Eel).
This week: What we’re doing, here; a roundtable on Caltrans’ Safety Corridor Improvement Project against the backdrop of rising sea levels; and nuking hurricanes — good idea, or great idea?
Listen below! And if you have a podcast thingamajig you can plug a URL into, plug this link into it to subscribe to future episodes of the show. We’ll get you iTunes people sorted out soon.
— Ed.
The EcoNews Report is Risen! Sept. 7, 2019