Red Salmon Complex Grows to 10,178 Acres, 35 Percent Contained
The Red Salmon Complex | Photos by the U.S. Forest Service.
United States Department of Agriculture press release:
Current Situation: The Red Salmon Complex is 10,178 acres and 35% contained. The Red and Salmon fires are burning in the Trinity Alps Wilderness on the Six Rivers and Shasta-Trinity National Forests. Both fires are being managed for full suppression utilizing minimum impact suppression techniques in the wilderness and working with resource advisors to protect cultural values. California Interagency Incident Management Team 4 has taken management of the fire as of 6 p.m. yesterday evening.
Red Fire: The fire is 9,376 acres and 19% contained. Yesterday, there was little growth on the south flank. Today, crews will strengthen line on the west flank of the fire and continue firing operations as conditions allow. Firing operations are holding and backing downhill toward the fire from Mill Creek Gap to 9N31. This fire eventually will connect on the northern perimeter near the South Fork of Red Cap Creek and Black Mountain. The north flank continues to hold. The east flank of the fire held overnight but could show more activity today as fuels dry and winds align with the terrain.
There was a heat signature found near Prospect Peak on the Klamath National Forest approximately 1.5 miles from the east flank of the Red Fire. A crew was able to hike in and scout it out yesterday. The fire has grown to approximately 25 acres in size. More firefighters will be inserted today to assist with suppression efforts. Smoke Jumpers are ordered; however, a smoke inversion has limited the ability for them access to the fire.
Salmon Fire: The fire is 802 acres and 89% contained. There is containment line all the way around the fire. Mop-up and patrol operations will continue. Fire will continue to smolder and burn interior unburned fuel.
Weather: Conditions will be warmer and drier today, but also more stable as high pressure approaches late this afternoon. Winds will be out of the northwest. There is a threat of thunderstorms this weekend.
Air quality: Smoke impacts continue to be in the unhealthy level at Forks of Salmon and areas close to the fire. Communities down drainage along the Bigfoot Highway will again see smoke settle down to the surface around midday. This will degrade air quality in areas such as Orleans, Weitchpec and Hoopa, which could see periods of unhealthy air at times. Areas east of the fire, including Etna and the Scott Valley, should again see smoke impacts rise to unhealthy late in the day before improving in the overnight and morning hours. Generally, west to northwest transport winds should keep the skies hazy over Shasta Valley and areas far to the east and southeast of the fire. Refer to
Closures: The Red-Salmon Fire Complex Forest Closure effected on August 8, 2020. All National Forest System roads within the Red-Salmon Fire Complex Closure Area are closed as well as: Forest Road Nos. 07N53 (Grizzly Camp), 07N15 (Fawn Ridge), 10N05 (Upper Leary Creek), 10N01 (Trinity Summit), and 07N10 (Lone Pine Ridge). All National Forest System trails within the Red-Salmon Fire Complex Closure Area are closed as well as: Forest Trail Nos. 6E04 (Orleans Mt Trail), 5438 (Nordheimer), 12W08 (East Fork New River), and 12W02 (Salmon Summit). Big Rock River Access.
COVID-19: COVID-19 precautions are a priority at all incident camps with daily temperature screenings of personnel and implementing measures such as wearing face coverings and social distancing to prevent coronavirus spread. Community and firefighter safety are a top priority of both the incident management team and the National Forests.