Your hazardous waste and recyclable materials can start going here — HWMA’s West Hawthorne Street facility — starting next week.
From the Humboldt Waste Management Authority:
On Tuesday, August 11th, Humboldt Waste Management Authority’s Hazardous Waste Collection facility will resume operations Tuesday through Saturday’s 8 am until 3 pm, by appointment only. This includes drop-off by residential and business customers. Household product reuse, such as free paint and other household products will remain suspended until further notice.
With the Shelter-In-Place restrictions being eased, we are phasing in non-essential services such as collection of hazardous residential and business waste. Appointments can be made by calling (707) 441-2005.
Customers visiting the Hazardous Waste Facility are required to remain in their vehicles at all times and wait for staff to unload your hazardous materials. Bring products in their original package, or a labeled leak proof container. We accept household products labeled, “Caution” “Warning” or “Poison”. We also accept cleaning products, pool/spa chemicals, varnish, lighters, acids, lawn and garden chemicals, pesticides and herbicides.
We do not accept explosives, fireworks, ammunition or radiological wastes. Do not bring containers larger than 5 gallons or more than15 gallons of household hazardous waste at a time.
Small business generated hazardous materials will be accepted by appointment only. A small business is considered one that generates less than 27 gallons of hazardous materials per month.
Also from the Humboldt Waste Management Authority:
On Tuesday, August 11th, Humboldt Waste Management Authority’s Eureka Recycling Center will resume limited public services. With the Shelter-In-Place restrictions being eased, HWMA is phasing in non-essential services. These services will include public drop off of source separated recyclable materials (cardboard, glass, plastic, metal), used appliances, electronic wastes and televisions/screen devices. CRV Buyback services remains suspended.
“We are pleased to announce the reopening of the Eureka Recycling Center to resume acceptance of recyclable materials and items,” stated Executive Director Jill Duffy. “HWMA has undertaken necessary site improvements to assist in traffic control and customer flow, ensure social distancing and implemented sanitary practices and protocols to minimize the potential for viral spread. We are, unfortunately, unable to resume CRV Buyback activities until further notice.”
Customers visiting the Eureka Recycling Center are required to arrive with clean and dry recyclable materials that are presorted prior to arrival, to wear face coverings and abide by the facility’s rules to maintain social distancing. Sanitizers will be available for customer use. Presorting of materials will assist in the efficient placement of materials into bins or carts.
“California’s CRV Buyback program was designed so consumers could redeem their deposit directly from grocers and retailers, and we encourage residents to call CalRecycle at 1-800-Recycle to express the need for convenient redemption centers, as is called for in State law. Our hope is that we can aid in the coordinating with CalRecycle for other entities to open CRV redemption centers in local communities that are accessible to customers throughout Humboldt.” Duffy stated.
The HWMA Board of Directors and staff will continue examining possible paths to an eventual reopening of CRV Buyback services, while fulfilling the Authority’s mission to receive and process over 75,000 tons annually of trash and collect materials such as appliances, e-wastes, batteries, carpet, mattress, tire, hazardous waste, lights and other material diversion services.