Gay Miller left many with a heavy heart when she passed away May 21,
2020 in her sleep at home in Hydesville. She was born June 3, 1944
and raised in Sacramento by father Milton Lawrence and mother Muriel
Maul. Gay attended and graduated El Camino High in 1962, and studied
social work at California State University, Sacramento graduating in
1996. Gay married Norman “Norm” Miller on September 24, 1966,
and leaves him behind after 53 years of marriage.
Past employers include Humboldt Del Norte Foundation for Medical Care, Mad River Community Hospital, Home Health, and other physicians. Gay was a large part of the social work community. Former employer includes Department of Social Services, State of California, where she left the job as self-employed, and continued doing work from home. Gay served on the Humboldt Hospice Board. She was very involved in the Breast Cancer GYN Project, and she worked with the California State Licensing Board for Community Care.
Gay’s parents Milton and Muriel predeceased her, as did a younger brother, Randy Lawrence. Gay leaves behind son Matt Miller (wife Jennifer), daughter Megan Morais, grandchildren Jarin and Sarah Morais, and Milton and Gracie Miller, a sister Linda Sutherland (husband Neil), nephew Shawn Lawrence (Randy’s son), great nephew Lucio Lawrence (Shawn’s son), Sarah, Jessica, and Marcus Sutherland (Neil’s kids).
As a mother and grandmother, Gay was a little bit parent, teacher, best friend and partner in crime, participating in children and grandchildren’s activities and sports. She was active in 4-H as a sheep leader in Blue Lake for many years, and she helped 4-H youth with rabbits and a variety of projects. Gay and Norm, whenever possible, attended many baseball and football games. Gay and Norm would travel to Cascade, Idaho every year to participate in the Annual Fish Derby with Matt’s family.
A close friends group of Gay’s called The Sisterhood included Karen McNabb, Kelli Leonhardt, Charlotte Hawks and Lynn Erickson. Gay being a warm, thoughtful, and generous person will be missed by numerous friends—too many to mention.
Gay loved all things ocean and the island life of Anini Beach, Kauai, Hawaii. On her 70th birthday, Gay was honored with a Hawaiian partym where Hula dancing was enjoyed by many. Gay stated she didn’t know what she did to deserve her son Matt and daughter Megan, but she thanks God for them every day.
Due to the recent COVID times a Memorial will be planned at a later date. Instead of cards and flowers, the family prefers you make a donation to Hospice of Humboldt, the Breast Cancer GYN Project, or charity of your choice. Lift your glass in a toast to Gay or do a good deed in her memory. RIP Gay.
The obituary above was submitted on behalf of Gay Miller’s family. The Lost Coast Outpost runs obituaries of Humboldt County residents at no charge. See guidelines here.