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Press release from the Humboldt Waste Management Authority:
In an effort to slow or prevent transmission of the Covid-19 virus, the Humboldt Waste Management Authority’s (HWMA) Eureka Recycling Center located at 1059 W. Hawthorne Street, Eureka, CA will be closed until further notice.
This closure is a precautionary measure following local, state and federal emergency declarations and implementing recommendations regarding social distancing to prevent the proliferation and spread of Covid-19.
Because this virus can spread from person-to-person contact, HWMA is suspending CRV Buy Back activities in an effort to decrease person-to-person interactions while directly handling used aluminum, plastic or glass CRV materials at the Eureka Recycling Center.
“We apologize for the disruption this will cause to our recycling customers, however our priority is the safety of our customers and employees” said Jill Duffy, Executive Director of HWMA. “HWMA will monitor the Covid-19 virus outbreak and resume CRV Buy Back activities when it is safe to do so. We encourage customers to place all their recyclable materials, including CRV containers, into their recycling curbside collection bins. These bins will continue to be picked up by curbside collection companies and processed mechanically, thereby ensuring materials will be recycled and not landfilled.”
This temporary closure of the Eureka Recycling Center also affects HWMA’s Household Hazardous Waste Collection facility. The Hazardous Waste facility will be unable to accept hazardous wastes by residents. We will continue to accept business generated hazardous waste, by appointment only. Call (707) 441-2005 for hazardous waste disposal information.
HWMA’s Transfer Station will remain open and continue providing essential solid waste disposal services. Other materials such as appliances, carpets, electronic wastes, green wastes, mattresses, Sharps, tires and other items will continue to be collected at the Transfer Station. Because health and safety is of utmost importance, we ask that our customers ensure our facility and employees remain safe by using debit/credit cards to minimize cash transactions, and avoid visiting if you don’t feel well. Visit HWMA’s website or contact HWMA’s Main Business Office at (707) 268-8680 for additional information.