The Humboldt County Sheriff’s Office released a video Tuesday afternoon in an attempt to further educate the community about the specifics of the county’s coronavirus-prompted shelter-in-place order. In the clip Sheriff William Honsal says community cooperation will help this process to go as quickly as possible. 

“Stay at home. That is the key to our success at this time,” Honsal says.

On the whole, Honsal feels the community is taking the order seriously but enforcement measures are being initiated in some instances. For example,  HCSO deputies have served letters to a few local businesses that have continued to operate despite not being deemed essential. At this time Honsal is asking for voluntary compliance, but his office is prepared to take stronger action if necessary. 

“We are giving people the opportunity to voluntarily comply first,” Honsal said. “But if you don’t we have the opportunity to issue citations. If people still don’t comply or refuse to sign a citation we could even arrest people. It’s a misdemeanor. You could face up to a $1,000 fine per incident. We really don’t want to have to do that. We understand the economic impact that this has on all the businesses but we really want to get through this quickly and the only way to do that is by following the health officer’s orders.”

Honsal also urges the community to be responsible with the information they spread online. 

“Please do not spread internet rumors. Please do not forward things that are unverified. All that does is create panic in the community.” Honsal said. Watch the full clip above.