Berkowitz file photo.
Press release from Cliff Berkowitz:
I would like to like to thank all the people who voted; participation in the process is at the heart of our democracy. Thank you to all my volunteers and supporters for their hours of tireless work. I would like to particularly acknowledge the hard work and support from Claire Josefine, my campaign organizer, my family, and my wife Amy. So many people worked diligently to get our message out there, and in this arena, we succeeded. Issues that are now at the forefront of public discourse are there because of the work we all did. Thank you to everyone who wrote letters, walked door to door, made phone calls, put up signs, and supported me in myriad other ways.
Congratulations to Rex. He ran a good campaign. As the election neared, he began espousing many of the ideas I have supported. I encourage him to stick with them. He has embraced the idea of a Tribal Liaison, expanding Housing First county wide, begun talking about addressing the climate crisis with shovel-ready plans, and more. I hope that he will uphold his reputation for follow through by continuing to support these ideas. The people who voted for me will hold him accountable for being a supervisor for all of us.
On Facebook, Rex Bohn says: