Annette was born
December 31, 1930 and passed on February 19, 2020. She will forever
be missed by her family.
Annette was a very energetic and active woman her entire life up
until the last three weeks of her life
when she diagnosed with cancer at the age of 89. She was always busy
going to her cabin at Showers
Pass and previously Ruth Lake, riding her horses, maintaining her
immaculate yard, taking her dog for walks, cooking breakfast for the
neighbors and family on Sunday mornings. Always having fresh baked
cookies or the best apple pies. She was always quick witted and had
a funny line to respond to any
situation or anyone, good or bad. The family she leaves behind is
thankful she was our mother, grandmother and Great Grandmother, Aunt
and special friend.
Annette was predeceased by her husband Roy Hauger until his passing in 1998. Together they raised two children, son Roy J. Hauger and daughter Tawny (Hauger) Mitchell and her husband Craig of Rathdrum, Idaho. She leaves behind her five grandchildren, Shannon Leonardo and his wife Amy of Fortuna, granddaughter Devon Ewing and husband Aaron of Tracy, Jody Scott and husband Eddie of San Ramon, Rogan Hauger of Phoenix Arizona and Jeffery Osborne of Eureka. Her great grandchildren Shaun and Ava Leonardo, Mason Osborne, Hunter, Jonas and Tatum Smith, Elizabeth Ewing. She also leaves behind her beloved dog and buddy Scooter.
Special thanks to her caregivers for all the love and support they gave, Diane Bonomini her niece, Randy Eckhart and Leah Rosa. Thank you to Frye’s Care Home and Hospice for caring for her, you all were a shining star. We the children of Annette thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
The obituary above was submitted on behalf of Annette Hauger’s loved ones. The Lost Coast Outpost runs obituaries of Humboldt County residents at no charge. See guidelines here.