[STOP: The following post is only for people who have already read LoCO’s report on the first county audit committee meeting. Veggies before dessert. If you’ve cleared your plate, continue scrolling.]
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Look. LoCO is trying to get the hell out the door in an attempt to get to something that resembles a weekend. Hopefully you’ve arrived at a place in your life where you get to do that now too. Like the old days! Be safe, of course! But yeah!
Anyway, one last thing before we part ways. Yesterday, we are told, a camera-toting individual named Kai Simons was blessed enough to take a tour of our beautiful coastline as a guest of Kayak Trinidad. As it goes, a curious seal decided it wanted to take a closer gander at the humans in its harbor which resulted in the following brief bit of video cuteness.
Watch it now. Then step away from all of your screens for a time, not unlike the seal (who appears to be living pretty good).