A group of burn victims was medevaced near Black Sands Beach yesterday morning approximately six miles north of Shelter Cove after their ATV reportedly malfunctioned while illegally riding on a hiking trail near Buck Creek on Monday.

Officer Nathan Bjork with Garberville’s California Highway Patrol office told the Outpost that a 40-year-old driver and three children passengers — ages two, three and five — became stranded on the trail after the mechanical failure. Unable to return the way they came, the group reportedly made its way down to the beach the following day and signaled hikers for help.

According to the CHP incident report, the vehicle’s battery exploded, causing chemical burns. However, Bjork was unable to confirm what part of the vehicle failed or caused injuries.

“It’s an odd one,” he said. “It involved the mechanical failure of the ATV. It wasn’t an impact crash.”

Despite initial reports, Bjork said all victims suffered minor injuries. The victims were flown to an out-of-area hospital for treatment.