Anne Holcomb, executive director of Food For People, and Senator Mike McGuire. | Photo by Bill Prescott.
Press release from Senator Mike McGuire’s office:
The amazing people of Humboldt came together over the past week and delivered a holiday gift that will help thousands of neighbors in need: Food and funds – all to benefit the life-changing work of Food for People, Humboldt’s Food Bank.
Each year, Senator McGuire teams up with Food For People, KHUM radio and six local high schools for the annual Humboldt Holiday Food Drive.
The culmination of the food drive took place on Wednesday night and the North Coast didn’t disappoint.
A record breaking 17,069 pounds of food was collected with over $34,000 raised (and counting).
The vast majority of the non-perishable food was collected by thousands of dedicated high school students from six local high schools: Ferndale, Fortuna, St. Bernard’s, Eureka, McKinleyville and Arcata.
“The generosity was overflowing this past week and we can’t say thank you enough. Humboldt County opened their hearts, gave the gift of generosity and made the holidays brighter for over 16,000 Humboldt neighbors who depend on Food for People every month,” Senator McGuire said. “We owe special gratitude to the high school students of Humboldt County. We are totally blown away by their haul this year. The students shattered all records by collecting over 17,000 pounds of food which will feed thousands in the months to come.”
McKinleyville High School collected the most food this year with over 7,000 pounds donated. They will receive the coveted Golden Can Award for the most nonperishable food donated. This is the school’s first time receiving the award.
St. Bernard’s, who has continuously shined each and every food drive, collected the most monetary donations, collecting over $5,000. They’ll receive the Golden Can Award for their efforts.
“Food for People would like to thank all of the local high school students and community members whose support for the 6th annual Humboldt Holiday Food Drive surpassed our expectations once again!” said Anne Holcomb, Executive Director of Food For People. “Every year, our young leaders from across the county come together to have a positive impact on our communities, and this year was no different. We are so grateful to Senator McGuire for investing so much time and energy into engaging these high school students in the fight against hunger, and their parents, teachers and advisors should be incredibly proud of what they were able to accomplish. They clearly connected with our mission of ending hunger and their efforts will make a huge difference for those who are struggling in our communities.”
Both schools’ student governments will receive a $750 check from Senator McGuire that can be used towards their next school dance.