Latest photo of the slide provided by Caltrans.
UPDATE, 2:45 p.m.:
Caltrans estimates that Highway 101 will reopen to one-way traffic control at 6 p.m. if the hillside remains stable.
Drivers can expect 30-minute delays once the highway is reopened.
After the roadway was reopened for a few hours last night to one-way traffic, Highway 101 is closed again at Last Chance Grade due to an active slide in the area.
“There was significant slide activity last night,” Caltrans stated this morning. “Crews are removing slide material from the roadway.”
Caltrans expects one-way traffic control to be re-established sometime this afternoon if no additional slides occur.
The Del Norte Office of Emergency Services reports that a number of vehicles became stuck yesterday trying to use forest service roads as a detour.
“Please do not take forest service roads in an attempt to circumvent the Last Chance Grade closure,” the DNOES stated yesterday. “Many roads are snowed in and impassible. This is not a safe alternative at this time.”
Emergency officials say the only recommended detour at this time is highway 299 to I-5.