
Remember that time when all the sewers in Old Town started smoking, setting off a minor panic? The city of Eureka is trying to avoid that, nowadays — the panic, not the smoke — by giving everyone advance notice before their hellsmoke rises up from the bowels of the city.

Tomorrow morning, weather permitting, the smoke will envelop certain parts of the Bridge District. They pump the smoke in there to figure out where pipes are leaking. It’s a good thing! Though terrifying, the smoke, we are told, is non-toxic.


From the Eureka Public Works Department:

File photo: Shane Mizer.

Sanitary Sewer Smoke Testing near Target

  • X Street, from 1st Street to 3rd Street
  • Alley between 1st and 2nd Streets, from X Street to Y Street
  • Y Street, from 1st Street to 3rd Street

The City of Eureka will be performing smoke testing of the sanitary sewer system at the above locations in Eureka beginning at 9:00 a.m., on Wednesday, February 10th. This testing involves pumping a non-toxic smoke into sewer manholes where it is forced through the sewer mains and laterals to locate defects in the system. Smoke will be visible in the area, and may travel to nearby sewer lines as well. There is no need to contact the Police or Fire Department, they have already been notified.

Traffic will remain open during testing; however, smoke may be visible exiting manholes. Please use caution while driving in the area. In addition to manholes, smoke will be visible coming from building vents and lateral cleanouts. This smoke is non-toxic, will not leave a residue, and will dissipate shortly after the test. This work will be performed between the hours of 9:00am and 10:00am, WEATHER PERMITTING.

There will be City of Eureka Personnel on site, with information, should there be any questions. The patience and cooperation of residents and business owners in the vicinity of the testing zone is greatly appreciated.

The City of Eureka realizes that this disruption may be an inconvenience, but repairing and maintaining our sewer collection systems is vital to the health and safety of our residents.