Linda Mary Lange
July 14, 1948 - Oct. 23, 2021
On Saturday October 23, 2021, an angel took my beautiful wife and mother of our children.
“I was born on July 14,1948 in the hallway in Dallas, Oregon hospital. My parents were Roy and Lola Woodhurst.”
Linda’s older sister is Janyce, later her two brothers Johnny and Roy came along.
“Janyce and I could be found as children in the rolling open fields on Table Bluff Ocean View Ranch. In August of 1964, I met my soulmate and best friend Arthur Lange. Art and I shared the same birthday, only being five years apart and lived about 50 miles apart. We were so much alike it came as no surprise we were married December 5, 1964. Our family grew in September 1966 as our son Terry Lange was born, followed by Diana L. Morgan, who was born in 1970.”
“As a family we did everything together and enjoyed hunting, fishing, camping, traveling and even gold mining and yes, we did find gold! Arthur and I enjoyed traveling to many National Parks in our retirement years. We also liked collecting antiques, rocks, Native baskets, and other trinkets. I loved to draw animals and could be found with a pencil in hand.”
“I would like to be remembered as a good wife, mother, and friend.”
Linda is survived by her husband Arthur Lange, her children Terry Lange and Diana Morgan, her grandchildren Mathew Lange, Melody Wolf, James Holdner and Alicia Morgan. In laws Michelle Steel, Pauline, Jerry Christy and many more.
On behalf of the Lange family, they extend their heartfelt gratitude to
- Grace Mcatasny and
staff at United Indian Health
- Dr. Hardy and staff
- St. Joseph Oncology/ Hematology
- Hospice Care of Humboldt
- Linda Kangas
- Diane Munoz
- Wiyot Tribe
- Bill and Dot Renynolds
- Rick and Dennis Ellsworth and Family
- Pat Barton
And too many families and friends to mention.
“Just know I loved everyone and loved my life to the fullest.”
Celebration of life will be held on November 13, 2021, at 11 a.m. at the Wiyot Tribal Office Community Center, located at 1000 Wiyot Dr., Loleta. Please bring a dish as a potluck will follow.
Please bring your mask and follow all social mitigations that are in place due to COVID-19.
The obituary above was submitted on behalf of Linda Lange’s loved ones. The Lost Coast Outpost runs obituaries of Humboldt County residents at no charge. See guidelines here.