The latest map of the Knob Fire. | USFS
U.S. Forest Service press release:
RESOURCES: 2362 personnel, 36 hand crews, 165 engines, 20 helicopters, 56 dozers, 56 water tenders, 19 masticators.
CURRENT SITUATION: The Monument fire is estimated at 174,706 acres and 29% contained. The Knob Fire is estimated at 1,961 acres and 0 % contained. Today, fire resources will focus in two areas; the Knob Fire and in the southwest portion of the Monument Fire along the Hyampom Road.
VIRTUAL PUBLIC MEETING: California Interagency Incident Management Team 5 and CAL FIRE Team 5 will hold a virtual public meeting tonight, September 1, 2021 at 6:00 P.M. The meeting can be viewed at the Shasta-Trinity National Forest, Six Rivers National Forest and CAL FIRE Shasta-Trinity Unit Facebook pages, on Zoom https://usfs.zoomgov.com/j/1610820265?pwd=QnFPdUw3ZE9hU2FFR2pDWnpJN01ZQT09 or youtube.com//watch?v=5ef7etA_epU. You may also listen to the meeting by calling 1 669-254-5252, ID#161 082 0265. We encourage you to submit your questions prior to the meeting my sending them via email to 2021.monument@firenet.gov
Monument Fire North Zone: Fire behavior moderated overnight with a little fire activity in the Miners Creek area. The priority is to keep the fire north of Hyampom Road and to improve contingency lines to the south. Firefighters are also monitoring activity on Big Mountain and its movement towards the New River as well as monitoring activity in the northeast portion of the fire near the North Fork of the Trinity River to ensure it does not spot over the river. Smoke conditions, as experienced in the past several days, may result in limited air operations. The fire still has enormous potential for significant uphill runs when increased afternoon winds and topography align.
Monument Fire South Zone (including the communities of Weaverville, Hayfork and Junction City): Please visit the CAL FIRE Shasta -Trinity Unit Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/CALFIRESHU
Knob Fire: The Knob Fire was active overnight and crews were able to keep the fire within the footprint of the previous day. Today, we expect the fire to continue to back down to SR Highway 299 where firefighters will engage to protect structures and keep it on the west side of the South Fork Trinity River. Crews are also focused on building containment lines and incorporating existing roads on the northern perimeter.
SR HIGHWAY 299: The highway has reopened with restrictions on the times public travel is allowed through the fire area. Five times a day, starting at 7:00 A.M. and ending at 7:00 P.M. pilot cars will lead vehicle caravans in the section between Burnt Ranch and Helena. These groups will leave from both sides every three hours. Residents may also travel this section of highway between 7:00 P.M. and 7:00 A.M. by showing proof of their address.
WEATHER: Today, light winds over the fire area will hamper smoke dispersal. In the late afternoon, up canyon winds will increase fire behavior.
Monument Fire: On Monday August 31st, many areas within the Monument Fire area had changes to the evacuation orders and warnings. At 7 pm last night, the following evacuation order was announced for West Hayfork: all areas along the south side of Hyampom Rd, from Nine Mile Bridge, east to Cedar Gulch Rd, this includes Drinkwater Gulch, Phares Lane, Doctor Lane, Turkey Track Rd, Old Haywagon Rd, and Digger Rd are now under an Evacuation Order. Please refer to the Trinity County Sheriff’s Office Facebook page for detailed information on closures at Trinity County Sheriff’s Office Facebook page.
Knob Fire: All areas east of Highway 299 to the Trinity River, south of Butterfly Creek Road to Friday Ridge Road. Areas west of Highway 299 to the end of China Creek, south of Butterfly Creek Road to Christian School Road, excluding residents of Christian School Road. Areas west of Forest Road 6N33 to the end of Fourmile Creek, south of Christian School Road to Friday Ridge Road. All of South Fork Road in Salyer, south of Highway 299, to the end of South Fork Road.
Monument Fire: On Sunday August 30th, many areas within the Monument Fire area had changes to the evacuation orders and warnings. Please refer to the Trinity County Sheriff’s Office Facebook page for detailed information on closures at Trinity County Sheriff’s Office Facebook.
Knob Fire: Areas east of Highway 299 to the Trinity River, south of Panther Creek Road to Butterfly Creek Road. All areas east of Brushy Mountain Lookout Road/Forest Road 6N08A to Highway 299, south of Butterfly Creek Road to the end of Forest Road 6N20. Areas east of Highway 299 to the Trinity River, south of Butterfly Creek Road to Christian School Road, including residents on Christian School Road. Areas east of Forest Road 6N33 to the Trinity River, south of Gypo Lane to Friday Ridge Road. All of South Fork Road in Salyer, south of Highway 299, to the end of South Fork Road.
EVACUATION CENTERS: Monument Fire: McKinleyville Seventh Day Adventist, 1200 Central Avenue, McKinleyville, CA.and Fireman’s Hall Pavilion, 9 Park Street, Fortuna, CA. Knob Fire: McKinleyville Seventh Day Adventist, 1200 Central Avenue, McKinleyville, CA.
FOREST CLOSURE: Due to extreme fire conditions and lack of additional fire resources, the USDA Forest Service has temporarily closed all National Forests in California, including the Shasta-Trinity and Six Rivers National Forests. Questions can be directed to https://www.fs.usda.gov/main/r5/about-region/offices or by calling 707-562-9113 or email SM.FS.R5inquiries@usda.gov.
ANIMAL EVACUATIONS: Domestic Animals: Trinity County Animal Shelter, located at 563 Mountain View St., Weaverville, CA (530- 623-1370) Domestic + Large Animals: Hoopa Rodeo Grounds on Pine Creek Road, Hoopa, CA.
CLEAN AIR CENTERS: Trinity County has established a Clean Air Center at the Trinity County Library, 351 Main Street, Weaverville. Hours are Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 1-6 p.m. and Tuesday and Thursday from 10 A.M. to 6 P.M.
PROPERTY DAMAGE ASSESSMENTS: Damage assessment teams have confirmed 50 structures have been destroyed. For questions or information regarding the status of your property, call Trinity County Office of Emergency Services (OES) at 530-623-8223.