Knob Fire Grows to 1,000 Acres; Evacuation Orders, Warnings Still in Effect
The Knob Fire. | HCSO
Press release from the Humboldt County Sheriff’s Office:
Evacuation warnings and orders remain in effect for the China Creek and Friday Ridge areas as fire crews work to contain the Knob Fire near Willow Creek.
The Knob Fire originated Sunday, Aug. 29, 2021 between 4 and 5 p.m. It is burning in timber, brush and grass. The U.S. Forest Service (USFS) is leading fire suppression efforts. According to California Incident Management Team 5, as of 5 p.m. August 31, the Knob Fire was approximately 1,000 acres and 0% contained. Fire suppression efforts and favorable weather overnight kept the fire west of Highway 299 and the South Fork Trinity River. Due to heavy smoke impacting air resources, the current total acreage of the fire is unknown. Weather conditions forecasted for this afternoon present the potential for fire growth to the south and east.
According to the Pacific Gas and Electric Company, approximately 1,200 customers are without power as of 8 a.m. September 1. See outage map:
Humboldt County Sheriff’s deputies continue to patrol the mandatory evacuation zones and liaise with the fire Incident Management Team to ensure the safety of residents.
An EVACUATION ORDER remains in effect for:
Areas east of Brushy Mountain Lookout Road/Forest Route 6N08A to the Trinity River, south of Butterfly Creek Road to the end of Forest Route 6N20.
An EVACUATION WARNING remains in effect for:
Areas east of Boise Creek to the Trinity River, South of Panther Creek Road to Butterfly Creek Road
The following road closures are in effect related to the Knob Fire:
China Creek Road at Hodgson Road;
Burwood Drive;
Gypo Lane;
Friday Ridge Road;
Butterfly Creek Road.
The above routes are closed to entering traffic, but may be used by residents to leave the area in compliance with the evacuation order.
State Route 299 is currently open to one way controlled traffic in the fire area. Road conditions are subject to change based upon fire activity and public safety. Residents are encouraged to visit to check for state highway closures.
An Evacuation Center remains open at the McKinleyville Seventh Day Adventist Church, located at 1200 Central Avenue, McKinleyville, for evacuees. Resources available at this location include:
Overnight sheltering;
Red Cross services.
Domestic and large animal sheltering is available at the Hoopa Rodeo Grounds, located on Pine Creek Road in Hoopa.
County residents are encouraged to sign up for county emergency notifications via Humboldt Alert at Residents must opt-in to receive evacuation notifications via phone or email.
If having trouble signing up for Humboldt Alert online, please contact the Humboldt County Sheriff’s Office of Emergency Services at 707-268-2500
Additional updates will be issued via press release as needed.
For more information regarding the Knob Fire, current impact and evacuation areas, please go to, visit @HumCoOES on Facebook and Twitter, or call 707-268-2500.
A group of locals put out the word today to organize a posse to help communities threatened by the fire.
The Humboldt County Growers Alliance issued a statement saying that many cannabis farms along Friday Ridge Road are receiving little fire protection.
Read the Humboldt County Growers Alliance’s full statement below:
Call to Action Willow Creek needs your help! The Knob Fire is getting dangerously close. They need assistance now. Chainsaws, extra blades & fuel, chippers, excavators, on the go meals, and abled bodied people with a good attitude.
Lindsey Jones from Aloha Humboldt is leading people into the Friday Ridge area of Willow Creek at 11 a.m. today. The meeting place to caravan is at the bottom of Titlow Hill. If you can’t make it now, no problem!
Directions are easy and there is cell service 90 percent of the way. Many of the farms on Friday Ridge Road have zero fire support. Cal Fire was at Emerald Queen for 10-minutes and left. If you can, show up. If you can’t, maybe make some sandwiches and send them in with someone that can. Willow Creek is working hard to save their community. Time is of the essence. Friday Ridge today through ….? Oak Knob/South Fork once Friday Ridge is secure.
Text Linsey Jones, Aloha Humboldt, 707-834-5375 or Ryan Jones, Aloha Humboldt, 707-834-5374.