The McCash Fire. | Photos provided by the USFS

U.S. Forest Service press release:

Total Personnel: 510 | Crews: 7 | Engines: 12 | Dozers: 5 | Masticators: 13 | Watertenders: 8 | Aircraft: 5 

Increased fire behavior on the McCash fire yesterday afternoon has pushed the fire to 74,076 acres. The McCash Fire is 11 percent contained. The Little Marble Fire is 26 acres with 0 percent containment. Increased fire activity is expected for the next several days as hot, dry, and windy weather settles over the fire area.

Most of the fire activity on the McCash Fire was in the Lick Creek area. This area is primarily old growth timber which hasn’t burned in recent memory. The fire burned north toward Chicken Ladder Road and Titus Ridge Road. Dozers lines which were completed in anticipation of this movement will be utilized to slow the fire spread. Crews patrolled the area throughout the night. 

Crews and equipment continue working along the China Grade Road and Grider Ridge Road. Firefighters are clearing brush around structures and installing hoses and pumps. This work creates defensible space around buildings. Masticators are cutting brush and small trees along roads and dozer lines. This creates wider fuel-free zones that firefighters can use as control lines. 

The Highway 96 Structure Group is assessing structures from Somes Bar south along the 96 corridor towards Forks of Salmon. These crews will be stationed at the Orleans Incident Command Post so they are closer to their work area.   

On the southern end of the fire, mastication work along the Iron Phone Road and the Camp Three Road is progressing to the south. Masticators are working north from Offield Saddle towards the crews moving south.  

Helicopters worked throughout the day supporting the firefighters on the ground with water drops.  

Yesterday, there was very little fire activity on the Little Marble Fire. Crews improved the handline along the perimeter and continued mop-up.  

There will be a virtual community meeting on Monday Sept. 13, at 7:00 PM on the Six Rivers National Forest Facebook page.