The latest map of the Knob Fire. | USFS
U.S. Forest Service press release:
MONUMENT FIRE RESOURCES: 2,427 personnel, 38 hand crews, 170 engines, 20 helicopters, 55 dozers, 59 water tenders, 19 masticators.
KNOB FIRE RESOURCES: 210 personnel, 7 hand crews, 18 engines, 1 dozer, 2 water tenders.
CURRENT SITUATION: The Monument fire is estimated at 176,759 acres and 29% contained. The Knob Fire is estimated at 2,179 acres and 52% contained. Today, the highest priorities are the Knob Fire and the southwest portion of the Monument Fire along Hyampom Road.
Monument Fire North Zone: Overnight fire activity was minimal and firefighters continued to improve contingency lines in the Hyampom Road area. Today, the focus is to continue strengthening contingency lines along Hyampom Road and to the south. Crews are also working to keep the fire in check and south of Pattison Ridge. On west portion of the fire, crews continue to patrol, mop up and look for hotspots from Corral Bottoms to Burnt Ranch. On Big Mountain, the fire continues to be active and is being monitored. In the northeast portion of the fire, resources completed the dozer line on Backbone Ridge and constructed handline down to the East Fork of North Fork Trinity River securing the contingency line. Today, crews are scouting for additional areas to build contingency lines east of Weaverville.
Monument Fire South Zone (including the communities of Weaverville, Hayfork and Junction City): Please visit the CAL FIRE Shasta -Trinity Unit Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/CALFIRESHU
Knob Fire: The priority is to protect structures and infrastructure in and around Willow Creek. Fire crews had a successful night constructing containment lines along and above FS Road 6N13 in the direction of Brushy Mountain. Night crews were successful in securing containment line along State Route 299. Today crews will continue to build line on FS Road 6N13, as well as building a contingency line on Panther Ridge.
WEATHER: Very light winds over the fire area will continue to hamper smoke dispersal today. Smoke over the area may limit air operations on the Monument Fire.
HIGHWAY 299: The east side of the Monument Fire closure on State Route 299 has now been moved just west of Rose Road and Big Flat Campground. The westside closure point remains in place in Burnt Ranch just east of School House Road. Traffic will be lead through the Monument Fire closure every 1.5 hours beginning at 7:00 A.M. with the last opening scheduled for 7:00 P.M., Monday through Friday. For Labor Day weekend (Saturday, September 4 through Monday, September 6), traffic openings will be at the top of every hour between 7:00 A.M. and 7:00 P.M. During the Nighttime hours 7:00 P.M. to 7:00 A.M. only emergency personnel and residents with proof of resident will be allowed to travel on the road.
Other Road Closures: Big French Creek north of State Route 299 and Big Mountain Road. Hayfork-Carr Creek Road, Barker Creek Road, Barker Valley Road and Big Creek Road. Burnt Ranch–State Route 299 between Helena and Burnt Ranch are subject to intermittent closures. Junction City-Soldier Creek Road.
Monument Fire: Hayfork-Brady Road – West from Brady Road to Nine Mile Bridge, including Highland Drive, and all roads off of Highland Drive, Cedar Gulch.
Knob Fire: Areas east of Brushy Mountain Lookout Road/FS Road 6N08A to State Route 299, south of Victor Creek to Butterfly Creek Road. Salyer-All of South Fork Road, South of State Route 299.
Monument Fire: Hayfork – Everything north of State Route 3, from Brady Road to Hayfork Summit. Hayfork – Everything South of State Route 3, from Hayfork Summit to SR 3 at Hyampom Road and SR 3 at Tule Creek Road. Everything off of Morgan Hill Road, and Oak Avenue. Areas between Oak Avenue and State Route 3. Junction City – the end of Dutch Creek Rd. Coffee Creek and Trinity Center- all areas west of SR 3 from Long Canyon to Rams Horn Rd; Coffee Creek proper and Trinity Center proper. Big Flat, Big Bar, and Del Loma. Trinity Village, Hawkins Bar and Denny.
Knob Fire: China Creek and Friday Ridge areas near Willow Creek. Areas east of State Route 299 to the Trinity River, south of Panther Creek Road to Butterfly Creek Road. All areas east of Brushy Mountain Lookout Road/FS Road 6N08A to State Route Highway 299, south of Butterfly Creek Road to the end of FS Road 6N20. Areas east of State Route Highway 299 to the Trinity River, south of Butterfly Creek Road to Christian School Road, including residents on Christian School Road. Areas east of FS Road 6N33 to the Trinity River, south of Gypo Lane to Friday Ridge Road. All of South Fork Road in Salyer, south of State Route Highway 299, to the end of South Fork Road. Areas east of Boise Creek to the Humboldt/Trinity County Line, south of the Trinity River to Victor Creek.
Monument Fire: McKinleyville Seventh Day Adventist, 1200 Central Avenue, McKinleyville, CA; Fireman’s Hall Pavilion, 9 Park Street, Fortuna, CA; First Baptist Church, 1261 Main Street, Weaverville, CA; Shasta College, 11555 Old Wagon Trail, Redding CA.
Knob Fire: McKinleyville Seventh Day Adventist, 1200 Central Avenue, McKinleyville, CA; First Baptist Church, 1261 Main Street, Weaverville; Shasta College, 11555 Old Wagon Trail, Redding CA.
FOREST CLOSURE: Due to extreme fire conditions and lack of additional fire resources, the USDA Forest Service has temporarily closed all National Forests in California, including the Shasta-Trinity and Six Rivers National Forests. Questions can be directed to https://www.fs.usda.gov/main/r5/about-region/offices or by calling 707-562-9113 or email SM.FS.R5inquiries@usda.gov.
ANIMAL EVACUATIONS: Domestic Animals: Trinity County Animal Shelter, located at 563 Mountain View St., Weaverville, CA (530- 623-1370) Domestic + Large Animals: Hoopa Rodeo Grounds on Pine Creek Road, Hoopa, CA.
CLEAN AIR CENTERS: Trinity County has established a Clean Air Center at the Trinity County Library, 351 Main Street, Weaverville. Hours are Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 1-6 p.m. and Tuesday and Thursday from 10 A.M. to 6 P.M.
PROPERTY DAMAGE ASSESSMENTS: Damage assessment teams have confirmed 50 structures have been destroyed. For questions or information regarding the status of your property, call Trinity County Office of Emergency Services (OES) at 530-623-8223.