The latest map of the Knob Fire. | InciWeb
Knob Fire
The Knob Fire burning along the westside of highway 299 south of Willow Creek is now 2,414 acres is size and 82 percent contained.
A team of 228 firefighters, including 7 hand crews, 23 engines, 4 dozers and 2 water tenders is mostly performing mop-up work on the fire.
“The fire was moderately active overnight due to low humidity,” the fire’s incident management teas stated this morning. “Last night, crews continued to patrol and mop up along all containment lines.”
Areas east of Brushy Mountain Lookout Road/FS Road 6N08A to State Route 299, south of Victor Creek to China Creek. Areas east of Brushy Mountain Lookout Road/FS Road 6N08A to the eastern perimeter of the Knob Fire south of China Creek to Friday Ridge Road. Areas east of Brushy Mountain Lookout Road/FS Road 6N08A to the South Fork Trinity River, south of Friday Ridge Road to the end of the FS Road 6N08A.
Areas east of Boise Creek to the Humboldt/Trinity County Line, south of the Trinity River to Victor Creek. All areas south of China Creek to Friday Ridge Road, east of the Knob Fire perimeter to the Humboldt County line. Residents who live in this area may begin to return home but should remain ready to evacuate again at a moment’s notice should fire conditions change.For more information on current impact and evacuation areas, go to humboldtsheriff.org, visit @HumCoOES on Facebook and Twitter, or call 707-268-2500.
One-way traffic control is still in effect along Highway 299 in the areas surrounding Willow Creek. Check the Caltrans QuickMap for the latest traffic information.

The latest Monument Fire map. | InciWeb
Monument Fire
The Monument Fire burning in Trinity County is now 179,276 acres in size and 35 percent contained.
A team of 2,223 firefighters is currently working on the fire, including 41 hand crews, 125 engines, 5 helicopters, 39 dozers, 42 water tenders, 29 masticators.
“Night-shift crews in the southwest near Pattison Ridge conducted strategic firing operations to reduce fuels between containment lines and the fire,” the fire’s incident management stated this morning. “Crews also successfully extinguished a spot fire north of Hyampom Road. Fire behavior was minimal on all other areas of the perimeter.”
The Trinity County Office of Emergency Services is urging people to sign up with the CodeRed emergency alert system for the latest evacuation information.
Hayfork - Brady Road - West from Brady Road to Nine Mile Bridge, including Highland Drive, and all roads off of Highland Drive, Cedar Gulch.MONUMENT FIRE EVACUATION WARNINGS:
Hayfork – Everything north of State Route 3, from Brady Road to Hayfork Summit. Hayfork – Everything South of State Route 3, from Hayfork Summit to State Route 3 at Hyampom Road and State Route 3 at Tule Creek Road. Everything off of Morgan Hill Road, and Oak Avenue. Areas between Oak Avenue and State Route 3. Junction City – the end of Dutch Creek Rd. Coffee Creek and Trinity Center - all areas west of State Route 3 from Long Canyon to Rams Horn Rd; Coffee Creek proper and Trinity Center proper. Big Flat, Big Bar, and Del Loma. Trinity Village, Hawkins Bar and Denny.
Evacuation Centers:
The McKinleyville Seventh Day Adventist at 1200 Central Ave. in McKinleyville, the Fireman’s Hall Pavilion at 9 Park St. in Fortuna, and the First Baptist Church at 1261 Main Street in Weaverville.
Animal Evacuation: (Domestic animals) Trinity County Animal Shelter, 563 Mountain View St. in Weaverville: (530- 623-1370). (Domestic + Large Animals) Hoopa Rodeo Grounds on Pine Creek Rd. in Hoopa.
A damage assessment team confirmed that 50 structures have been destroyed by the fire. For information regarding property damages, contract the Trinity County Office of Emergency Services at (530) 623-1116.