Cape Horn Dam at Van Arsdale Reservoir. Photo: PG&E.
On this week’s edition of the Econews Report, Friends of the Eel River discuss developments in the thrilling drama of Eel River dam removal. It’s a story of injustice and opportunity— a 100-year-old water diversion that takes from one watershed to give to another, and the chance to correct the harms by returning salmon and steelhead to excellent cold-water habitat locked behind the dams.
Starring characters like the charismatic Northern California summer steelhead, the most athletic and endangered fish in the watershed; Congressman Huffman, who is working diligently to arrive at a win-win solution; and countless stakeholders all taking part in a process which will see the Eel River become the longest free-flowing river in the state.
“The EcoNews Report,” Feb. 12, 2022.
”Action Alert: Ask FERC to Initiate License Surrender for Eel River Dams,” Friends of the Eel.