It’s officially past the March 10 deadline to file candidacy paperwork. And though Arcata City Council is not usually one of races held during the June primary, after former councilmember Emily Goldstein resigned mid-term, the remaining councilmembers opted to hold a special election to fill the vacant seat.

Arcata City Clerk Bridget Dory confirmed with the Outpost this evening that six candidates have qualified to run for the Arcata City Council seat. Below are their names and candidate statements submitted to the City of Arcata.


Chase Marcum

Marcum qualified to run, but has not submitted a candidate statement to the city. The Outpost also could not find a photo of Marcum.

Humnath Panta

Humnath Panta, Ph.D., is an assistant professor of finance at Cal Poly Humboldt. Before joining Cal Poly Humboldt, he was an associate professor and Program Director in a prior institution. He earned his Ph.D. in Finance from the University of Texas at Arlington and a master’s degree in Financial Economics from Ohio University. He also

received a master’s degree in International Relations and a BA in English and Economics. He is a volunteer, an active scholar, a dedicated teacher, and an effective mentor for students with diverse backgrounds and career goals.

Dr. Panta has over twelve years of university teaching, five years of public service, more than five years of high school teaching, and three-plus years of corporate work experience. He has extensive experience in planning, budgeting, financial policies, capital improvement plans, spending, revenue policy, policy formulation, policy and procedure, strategic implementation, coordination, collaboration, and team building. Currently, he serves the City of Arcata as a Vice-Chair of the Economic Development Committee. He also serves North Coast Co-op as a Board Secretary.

Dr. Panta is running for Arcata City Council Member and respectfully asks for your support and a vote for a better City Council.

Dana Quillman

Humboldt County, California resident for 41 years. I am running for office because I don’t like what Arcata and the world have turned into. Many elected leaders are not protecting our Constitutional rights. I will do locally, whatever I can to stop the globalist agenda referred to as The Great Reset.

The World Economic Forum and other globalist entities have created this agenda where the world’s population will be ruled by a one world, totalitarian, social credit surveillance system, the same way the CCP rules in China. The plan includes eliminating currencies, digitalizing all money, implementing dangerous 5G technology, forcing everyone to use a smart phone, and taking away body sovereignty from humans in order to force mass vaccination at any time, and without any liability. This new world order will give government complete control over all information, possibly even assets, thereby preventing any dissent. Goodbye freedom!

I support body sovereignty. I oppose censorship, discrimination, cancel culture, and coercion. I oppose minors making vaccine choices. I support parents having more power than school boards. I oppose all health mandates and laws including lockdowns, vaccine passports and face masking, in both public and private sectors.

Edith Rosen

Arcata is our home. I chose to move to Arcata over 21 years ago, as a single mother, to raise my daughters in a safe, healthy environment, and to further my education. With the support of this community, I’ve accomplished that, and more. Now it’s time, as intended, to give back to the community that helped foster a loving, caring environment for my daughters and me.

With an MBA from Humboldt State, vast experience both in public and private sectors, and strong commitment to the betterment of our community, I am ideally suited to serve on Arcata City Council. I’ve worked in finance and management at local companies, owned a consulting business, and oversaw City of Arcata’s CCAP program. The common thread throughout these experiences is my innate service mentality; helping others, while forming lasting, meaningful connections.

This service mentality is my driving force to be part of the renewed vision that Arcata needs now. A vision of a safe inclusive community, sustainable growth through thoughtful planning, and a thriving economy. Arcata is our home. Let’s continue to treat it as such. It is an honor to have your vote and to serve our community on Arcata City Council.

Welcome home. Edith Rosen for Arcata City Council 2022.

Alexandra Stillman

So much has changed in Arcata since I moved here in 1971, and I am proud to have been involved in so many aspects of those positive changes. I was a part of making the Arcata Marsh happen and helped start Arcata Main Street to revitalize what was then a diminished downtown.

The first female mayor of Arcata, I served on the Arcata City Council for 16 years, being elected first in 1972 and then again in 2006. I have been a business owner since 1974, enriching Arcata as best I could while raising my family here. My additional involvement in this community includes being chair of the Arcata Historical Sites Society and serving on various committees, such as Godwit Days Migratory Bird Festival, Humboldt County Aviation Committee and serving as a Friends of the Arcata Marsh docent. I will continue to work hard for Arcata and would appreciate your vote on June 7th, 2022.

Kimberley White

With global crisis, environmental crises, economic crisis, the unhoused and unemployed, and COVID-19, the uncertainties we face are seemingly insurmountable. I am not interested in doing buisness as usual and am committed to dismantling exclusive and oppressive ways of doing government by shifting and sharing power thus creating more transparent and responsive government. I am Cooperation Humboldt’s CUNA program coordinator (a Valley West/North Arcata grassroots group), a City of Arcata planning commissioner, community advocate/volunteer, mother of a teenage daughter and proud Valley West resident.

We need to deepen our connections with Cal Poly Humboldt where I received my master’s in Sociology. I am passionate about equity and economic revitalization/rebuilding our community, worker cooperatives, protecting our forests, wetlands/marshes, open spaces/parks, trails and addressing the climate emergency.

Volunteer/advocacy work includes: Valley West Trash Cleanups, True North, Food for People, Bayside Gardens, Winter Clothing Drives, CERC Housing (COVID Economic Resilience Committee), Relay for Life, Talent Search, Juvenile Justice Delinquency Prevention, housing and school board member and co-author Mad River Union’s Valley West column. I have lived in Arcata (land of the Wiyot) more than 30 years and I am ready to bring my passion, education and experience to serve the people of Arcata.


CORRECTION: The list of candidates initially sent to the Outpost had misspelled Chase Marcum’s last name. It has been changed to the correct spelling.