Tomorrow will be the first Sunday in November and in case you forgot, that means that at 2 a.m. daylight saving time will end and clocks and other time-telling devices will need to be turned back one hour, so that we may return to standard time. 

For some of us, this comes as good news because we get an extra hour of sleep. But others do not care for the act of “falling back,” because it means that the sun sets at an earlier time. However you feel about it, it is happening and you will just have to accept the fact that your schedule will feel a little off until you adjust to the change. 

But wait a minute, you might be thinking, didn’t California vote to end this silly practice of changing our clocks twice a year? And it did! In 2018 California voters passed Proposition 7, which proposed to permanently switch the state to daylight saving time. However, all the proposition really did was grant the State Legislature the ability to change the time through a two-thirds vote, which still hasn’t been successful. And even if the the change is approved at the state level, it will still need Congressional approval before it can go into effect. 

So, at least for the time being, Californian’s must continue to “spring forward” to daylight saving time in March and “fall back” to standard time in November. Luckily, most of our devices make the time change automatically these days. But if you have an old-school clock or a wristwatch, then you’ll have to suffer through manually setting it back one hour.

Or, you can just leave them alone for four months, when the time changes again!