Today we are overjoyed to welcome Carly Robbins to tea!

Carly is the development director with Food For People, and she’s here to tell us about how she got where she is — from Denver to Arizona to Eureka High to New York and back again, where after a few stops at local arts organizations she “found her place” at Food For People, the nonprofit that works itself to the bone to get essentials to Humboldt County residents in need.

More than that, though — we talk about what’s happening with Food For People these days and in the near future, including its brand-new facility on Fourteenth Street, which is scheduled to open within the next couple of months.

Food For People is great.

Today’s official tea time snacks, courtesy of our Argentinian friends, are alfajores! Go bake up a whole bunch, leech every iota of goodness out of your bags of PG Tips, then rush back here and press play!