ABOVE: Imagery taken just before noon of a fire burning east of Fortuna; BELOW: The purple line illustrates the direction the camera is pointed and its location | ALERTCalifornia

Six Rivers National Forest release:

The Six Rivers National Forest received significant lightning activity across the forest last night, August 14, 2023. Currently, there are 13 reported fires located throughout the forest.

Firefighters are working to assess current fires and patrolling the area to identify other potential starts. All incidents are under a full suppression strategy with rapid and aggressive initial attack operations. Air attack is being used to perform reconnaissance on the forest and additional resources have been ordered to support these incidents.

At this time there are no closures or evacuations in place. For evacuation information please contact your county sheriff’s office.

Information will be available on the forest website and Facebook page

PREVIOUSLY: Tuesday Morning’s Fire Activity on LoCO’s Going Down Page