Arroyo (left) and Landry.

Press release from newly seated Humboldt County Supervisor Natalie Arroyo:

I am pleased to announce my selection of Lonyx Landry for the Humboldt County Planning Commission District 4 seat.

Lonyx brings a fantastic skillset to the Commission, with a strong background in education, watershed science, and community development. He is a citizen of the Nor Rel Muk Wintu Nation, a leader within Cal Poly Humboldt’s Indian Natural Resources, Science and Engineering Program, and a Councilmember with the Northern California Indian Development Council.

Lonyx has an educational background in biology, Native American education, and natural resources, and conducted his post-baccalaureate research in soil science. Lonyx has a robust and diverse employment history, having worked for multiple local Tribes and community organizations as a teacher, a social services director, an advisor about Tribal community needs, and a mentor to youth and adults pursuing education and work in the sciences. Additionally, Lonyx volunteers his time to planning the California Indian Big Time and Social Gathering and is an active community member in and around his home of Eureka.

Lonyx shared that he looks forward to bringing his strong grassroots values, local knowledge, and indigenous perspective to the Planning Commission.

After careful consideration, I asked Lonyx to serve in this capacity because of his depth of knowledge about local issues, his ability to draw from multiple wells of knowledge in the sciences and use an analytical approach to issues, and his incredible warmth of spirit and strong relationships. It’s an exciting time for Humboldt County, and I believe Lonyx will serve the 4th District very well and bring a fresh perspective to planning-related matters.

This appointment will be part of the Board of Supervisors’ agenda on January 24th, 2023. I wish to sincerely thank Mike Newman, the current 4th District Planning Commissioner, for his years of service in this capacity.