Humboldt Bay Fire release:

Humboldt Bay Fire will be hosting live fire training for Humboldt County firefighters on November, 27, 2023 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. We will be performing a permitted demolition of the residence at 6117 Humboldt Hill Road by conducting live fire training. Humboldt Bay Fire has received the appropriate training burn permit for the North Coast Air Quality Management District, demonstrating no asbestos or lead contents were found in the structure.

Live fire training is an invaluable training opportunity for firefighters to observe fire behavior and practice fire suppression techniques in their working environment. The instruction provided to these Humboldt County firefighters will better prepare them to deal with fires in their home communities.

The live fire training will create smoke in the area, and Humboldt Hill Road will Smoke Alarms Save Lives. be open to through traffic during the training event.

Humboldt Bay Fire is committed to serving the entire Humboldt Bay Fire and Humboldt County region.