Leprechaun: SatyrTN. Creative Commons license.
Is Ross Rowley the only person in Humboldt who knows what a limerick is? You be the judge.
There were some pot growers in Humboldt
When prices and profits did tumble
They said let’s grow more, from mountains to shore
The bigger the better, we will not be fettered
Supply and demand be damned.
— Dianne Higgins
We went out to see the night sky
The Pleiades and Venus to spy
When we got there and saw nothing but glare
To the heavens we sent up our prayer
May the hoop houses go bye-bye
— Betsy Watson
There once was a planner who gave not a care
What neighbors and land and rivers could bear
He lets cannabis rule
And now looks a fool
Caught in a twisted and biased affair
— Meighan O’Brien
A forest does not like a cannabis farm
To wildlife and soils they only do harm
They remove food to eat
And places to sleep
Put mammals and birds in a state of alarm
— Patrick Mulligan
Politicians who give in to the fad
Are cowards and cowed by the in crowd
to suport just one percent of those they represent
While the rest of us are thrown under the bus
And the growers threaten to break bad.
— Ken Miller
County measure named “C” fairly pales,
Compared to Measure “A,” where they rail.
For the Fire Hall’s tax
No one’s grinding an ax
Out in Fieldbrook and in Glendale
— Ross Rowley
The 2nd’s a race for hobknobbers
Bushnell and McClendon and Roberts
Will they have their own bias?
Up there on the dais
For ranchers, weed farmers or loggers?
— Ross Rowley
Now here’s a fine man name of Myers
To bring salmon back he aspires
He has all our goals
Takes us over the shoals
Vote Myers to get your desires
— Margaret Dickinson
OK, Margaret Dickinson also did pretty well.
- It’s ELECTION LIMERICK Time Once Again! Please Send Us Your Letters of Support For Local Candidates and Measures, But Only in the Form of a Limerick
- ELECTION LIMERICK ROUNDUP! Here’s the First Batch of Political Poetry Sent to LoCO. We Tried to Be Forgiving.