According to King Salmon resident Nate Faith, “If we don’t do anything, we’ll have significant flooding often enough that it may impact our ability to live here.” Photo: Jen Kalt.
Join us for the first in a special series on sea level rise featuring local residents who share their thoughts on the challenges and potential solutions facing our region.
Many thanks to Marnie Atkins, Jerry Rohde, Nate Faith, Troy Nicolini, Adam Canter, and to Jessie Eden, who produced this episode with funding provided by the California Coastal Commission Whale Tail Grant Program.
For more info:
- Cal Poly Humboldt Sea Level Rise Institute
- Communities at Risk: King Salmon, Fields Landing, Fairhaven and Finntown - Aldaron Laird
- Humboldt Bay Shoreline, North Eureka to South Arcata: A History of Cultural Influences - Jerry Rohde
- Humboldt Bay King Tide Photo Project - Humboldt Waterkeeper