Photos: City of Eureka.

Sometime over the last few days, dozens and dozens of signs supporting Measure F —  the pro-parking “Housing For All” initiative that appears on current Eureka ballots — sprung up on telephone poles throughout the city and surrounding areas.

The problem? Those signs are, uh, illegal. 

Eureka Municipal Code Section 155.340 specifically prohibits “[s]igns attached to or placed adjacent to any utility pole, parking meter, traffic signpost, traffic signal or any other traffic-control device, except when installed by a governmental agency.”

Eureka City Manager Miles Slattery, who personally removed many of the “Yes on F” signs over the weekend, says that city government has sent notices to Security National, its attorney and Measure F co-signers Mike Munson and Michelle Costantine, notifying them that the signs were placed illegally and inviting them to come pick them up at City Hall.

The yellow and blue signs were in the news last month, after a local resident altered the “Yes on F” slogan on the sign he had received to make it read “No on F.” This action prompted a citywide mailer from the well-funded, Security National-backed “Yes on F” campaign.

“Cheaters Always Lose,” the mailer read.

We’ve reached out to the Yes on F campaign for comment and will update when we hear back.