Eureka City Schools’ Trustee Area 2 in the big green section on this map. | Image via ECS.
The Eureka City Schools Board of Trustees has faced some pretty intense scrutiny in the nine months since its five members voted to enter a land exchange agreement with a mysterious corporation called AMG Communities - Jacobs, LLC — a deal that the same board voted to ditch last month after multiple delays in closing escrow.
But make no mistake: Those who volunteer to serve on school boards should be commended for their time and service. They invariably want what’s best for their community and its young people.
And now, less than two months before Election Day, there’s a vacancy on Eureka City Schools’ board. Prior ECS Board Member Mike Duncan has evidently vacated his position before the end of his term, and he is not running for re-election.
The district issued the following notice today, inviting any interested candidates who live in Trustee Area 2 to reach out to Superintendent Gary Storts.
September 17, 2024 - NOTICE is hereby given that all qualified persons who would like to apply for the open position on the Board of Trustees for Eureka City Schools, Trustee Area 2, may contact Eureka City Schools, c/o Gary Storts, Superintendent (, for a candidate information sheet. All candidate information sheets (original copies) must be submitted on or before Wednesday, October 16, 2024, no later than 4:00 p.m., to the Superintendent’s Office of Eureka City Schools (2100 J Street, Eureka, CA 95501 – Room 108).
Qualifications for Office: The applicant shall be a registered voter residing in Trustee Area 2 for Eureka City Schools. The boundaries for Trustee Area 2 can be reviewed by visiting and clicking School Board Trustee Areas or through the Humboldt County Office of Education – District Locator (
Links:NOTICE is further given that appointment to the office will be made in the event there are no nominees, or no qualified nominees. (Appointments will be made pursuant to 10515 of the Elections Code or 5326, 5328, and 5328.5 of the Education Code.)