Just a quick note in case you missed our soft launch yesterday: 

LoCO Elections is back!

LoCO Elections is that thing we do twice every other year, in which candidates who are willing take questions directly from the LoCO electorate. It’s pretty fun!

Do you have a question for a candidate for Eureka City Council, Arcata City Council or Fortuna City Council? Go on over to LoCO Elections, click on that candidate’s head and find the link where you can put your question to them! If that question is not insane and/or irrelevant, it’ll be put to them!

Also, of course: You can scroll down and read the other questions that other people put to the candidates and their answers. It’s pretty fun! A lot of candidates have really enjoyed it in the past, as have their constituents.

Now, are you a candidate for Eureka or Arcata or Fortuna City Council who is not signed up for LoCO Elections? Check your back email for my invitation for you to register. Can’t find it? No problem — just shoot me a line at hank@lostcoastoutpost.com and I’ll set you up.

Happy election season!