UPDATE, 4 p.m.: A few moments ago, the Outpost received a very apologetic voicemail from Gail Rymer, the person who does public relations for the Yes on F campaign.

Rymer said that she was not responsible for the Facebook post described below and said that she hoped we knew that “this is not the way I do things.” Rymer said that she was talking to the people responsible for the Facebook page, and promised that the post would be removed.

And indeed it has been.



Desperate times call for stupid measures!

Yesterday morning the Yes on F campaign sent us a guest opinion piece that called out how unfair the LoCO has been by not breathlessly pointing out all the wonderful things it will accomplish, most of which have been conclusively shown to be fantasy.

We shared their thoughts with the LoCO Faithful in a GUEST OPINION column, which we do sometimes, and gave that GUEST OPINION column a title that faithfully summarized the crux of their argument.

Well, friends, today — gasp! — the Yes on F campaign shares with its 136 Facebook fans a misleading blurb, one which suggests that the Outpost has endorsed their efforts! 

You could say that this is on us. You could say: You, LoCO, you knew damn well they were a snake before you let them in. And maybe that’s fair. We wanted, too much, to believe in a world where people on opposing sides of an issue make their best-faith case for their position, and then let the public decide.

And you know what? We’ll extend the deadline on the benefit of the doubt in this instance and give Yes on F a chance to change their Facebook post. You know why? Because they know cheaters always lose. They know we can’t let a small group of sore losers undermine our democracy.