Eureka High School | file photo

UPDATE, 3:33 p.m.: The Eureka Police Department has declared this lockdown is no longer a thing:

This afternoon Eureka High School received a threat from an outside source via phone. Given the nature of the threat, Eureka Police Department was notified and the school went on lockdown.

EPD was able to determine that the threat did not appear credible and students were placed on soft lockdown and released at normal dismissal. EPD is investigating further.

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UPDATE, 3:11 p.m.: EHS has downgraded the situation:

We have now moved into a soft lockdown. Please do not come to the school site. We are waiting for information on the next steps from EPD. Thank you for your patience and we will provide more information as soon as it is safe to do so.

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Original Post: The following lockdown announcement was issued by Eureka High School:

EHS is currently in lockdown due to a security concern.

We are actively working with law enforcement to assess the situation and we will provide updates as soon as possible.

It is crucial that parents do not come onto the campus or call the school at this time to allow authorities to manage the situation effectively.

The Outpost will update if we learn more.