Isabella Vanderheiden / @ 9:56 a.m. / Agendizer

Eureka City Council to End Local COVID Emergency Declaration, Brainstorm Affordable Housing Opportunities and More at Tonight’s Meeting

File photo by Andrew Goff.

There are only seven items listed on the agenda for tonight’s Eureka City Council meeting, three of which are consent items that will be approved in a single motion without further discussion unless pulled by a member of the council.

One such item up for consideration is a resolution that would terminate the local emergency regarding COVID-19.

Governor Gavin Newsom declared a state of emergency in California back in March of 2020 as the novel coronavirus rapidly spread across the state. The emergency declaration prompted a raft of restrictions to curb the spread of the virus, effectively upending public life as we knew it. The City of Eureka followed suit a couple of weeks later as California – and much of the United States – shifted into lockdown mode. Now, after almost three years, the state is winding down its state of emergency, which is set to end on Feb. 28.

The end of the state of emergency has been dubbed “a symbolic end” to the pandemic in California and is expected to have little impact on most people’s lives. 

“California has the tools needed to continue fighting COVID-19 when the State of Emergency terminates, including vaccines and boosters, testing, treatments, and other mitigation measures such as masking and indoor ventilation,” according to the staff report. “While the COVID-19 pandemic continues to directly affect the safety of persons and property within the City of Eureka, the conditions necessitating the local emergency due to COVID-19 are steadily improving and will be sufficiently abated by February 28, 2023, such that the local emergency will no longer be warranted and may be terminated at that time.”

If approved by the council, the resolution will take effect immediately, terminating the state of emergency for COVID-19 in Eureka.

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The council will also take a look at an application for funds through the California Department of Housing and Community Development that would provide upwards of $500,000 through the Permanent Local Housing Allocation program to fund affordable housing projects for individuals “experiencing or at risk of homelessness,” as well as “investments that increase the supply of housing to households with incomes of 60 percent or less of area median income,” according to the staff report.

The council will discuss potential projects that would be funded by the program and likely approve a resolution authorizing staff to submit an application for the funding opportunity.

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The Eureka City Council will meet on Tuesday, Feb. 21 at 6 p.m. at Eureka City Hall — 531 K Street. The agenda can be found here.

Eureka City Council
Feb. 21, 2023, 6 p.m.






1. Application for the Competitive Permanent Local Housing Alocation Program (CPLHA) Non

The Eureka City Council is considering an application to the California State Department of Housing and Community Development for funding under the Competitive Permanent Local Housing Allocation (CPLHA) Program. If selected, the Council will authorize the City Manager to execute a Standard Agreement, any amendments thereto, and any related documents necessary to participate in the CPLHA Program. The CPLHA Program would provide grants to develop new multifamily rental housing that is affordable to households at or below 60 percent of the area median income, assistance to persons who are experiencing or at risk of homelessness, and other activities. The Council will also approve corresponding budget revenue and expense amendments if the application is awarded.

— LoCOBot

… or, as a sea shanty!

Verse 1

Come all ye sailor men, gather round
And listen to me tale of woe.
Eureka’s in search of funds, to build a home
For the folks in need, we must show


Let’s get to work and build a home
For the folks in need, we must show
For the CPLHA funds, we’ll work together
In Eureka City, we will grow

Verse 2

We need to hear your voices, loud and clear
At the public hearing, let us go
A resolution we must pass, to aid the town
For the folks in need, we must show


Let’s get to work and build a home
For the folks in need, we must show
For the CPLHA funds, we’ll work together
In Eureka City, we will grow

Verse 3

The senior housing project at 7th and Myrtle
Will be a blessing, this we know
A mix of one-bedroom, two-bedroom, and studio apartments
For the folks in need, we must show


Let’s get to work and build a home
For the folks in need, we must show
For the CPLHA funds, we’ll work together
In Eureka City, we will grow

— LoCOBot


Staff ReportCPLHA_Resolution2-PLHA Final Guidelines


1. COVID-19 State of Local Emergency

The Eureka City Council is proposing to end the state of local emergency regarding COVID-19 on February 28th, 2023. The Council believes that the conditions caused by COVID-19 will have sufficiently abated by this date and the emergency is no longer necessary. This resolution is in alignment with Governor Newsom’s October 17th announcement to end the state of California’s COVID-19 state of emergency on February 28th, 2023.

— LoCOBot

… or, as a Robert Burns poem!

O’er Eureka City, for so lang,
The din o’ COVID-19 did bang.
It caused much anguish and distress,
But nae mair ‘twill bring us stress.

For now the time has come at last
To bid this pandemic’s dread adieu.
The council ‘neath the sky sae blue
Will act and end the local emergency.

Let us nae forget the days o’ care,
When we did tremble, a’ in fear.
But courage still our hearts did fill
When we sought to conquer this ill.

So on this day, in Eureka fair,
We’ll stand together, gathered there.
And raise oor voices in a cheer
As we lay the pandemic tae rest.

— LoCOBot


Staff ReportResolution

2. Guide to the City Council meeting process

The Eureka City Council is considering adopting a new guide to their meeting proceedings. The guide outlines the order of meetings, rules of debate and other policies that govern the conduct of the meeting. There is no fiscal impact associated with this guide and it is recommended for adoption.

— LoCOBot

… or, as a detective story!


The sun was shining brightly on the morning of the Eureka City Council meeting. Inspector Mark Matthews had been assigned to the case by his superior, Chief Inspector Johnson. The Chief had warned him to be extra vigilant and to ensure that the proceedings of the meeting were conducted in an orderly manner. He had arrived early and was now making his way to the council chambers.

As he entered the chambers, he noticed something was off. There were no staff members present and the councilors were exchanging meaningful glances. He could tell something was afoot.

He took his seat and listened attentively as the councilors discussed the agenda item for the day - the adoption of a new “Guide to City Council Meetings”. After a brief debate, a resolution was passed to adopt the guide.

Inspector Matthews was suspicious. He had observed the councilors exchanging glances when the guide was mentioned and he knew something was not right. He decided to investigate further and he quickly realized that the guide was being used as a cover for a much more sinister agenda.

The guide was actually a way for the councilors to hide their involvement in a complex scheme to manipulate the city’s finances and embezzle funds. Inspector Matthews was determined to get to the bottom of the scheme and bring the culprits to justice.

He began to investigate further and soon uncovered evidence linking the councilors to a series of shady deals. He followed up on his leads and eventually tracked down the money trail to a mysterious figure known only as “The Benefactor”.

With the help of his colleagues, Inspector Matthews was able to identify the Benefactor and apprehend the councilors involved in the scheme. The Benefactor was revealed to be a powerful businessman who had been using his influence to enrich himself at the expense of the city.

In the end, justice was served and the councilors were brought to justice. Inspector Matthews had cracked the case and restored order to Eureka City.

— LoCOBot


Staff ReportReso__Guide to the City Council Meeting ProcessA Guide to the City Council Meeting Process 2023 Update

3. Policy No. 1.61 Special Events

The Eureka City Council is considering a policy amendment which would regulate the serving of alcohol at special events. The policy has been amended to ensure the overall safety of events in Eureka. The fiscal impact of the policy is expected to be minimal.

— LoCOBot

… or, as a scene from a thriller!

The Eureka City Council room was filled with tension as the members of the council debated whether to adopt the policy. Pam Powell, the author of the policy, stood in front of the council members and nervously awaited their decision.

Suddenly, one of the council members stood up and said, “I don’t think this is a good idea. We should be looking at the safety of our citizens. Who knows what could happen if we were to allow the serving of alcohol at these events?”

A murmur of agreement rippled through the room as the other council members nodded in agreement. They all seemed to be against the policy.

Pam took a deep breath and slowly began to speak. “I understand your concerns, but I believe that the policy will actually increase safety. We have taken the necessary steps to ensure that all events are properly regulated and that all safety protocols are followed. I believe that this policy is necessary for the overall safety of events in Eureka.”

The council members looked at each other, and after a few moments of deliberation, they finally agreed to adopt the policy. Pam let out a sigh of relief, knowing that her hard work had paid off.

— LoCOBot


Staff Report1.61 Special_Events_2023 w edits



1. Chapter 51 Solid Waste- Bil No. #1025-CS

The Eureka City Council is considering an ordinance that will implement SB1383, a state bill that aims to reduce methane emissions from landfills and rescue 20% of edible food statewide. The ordinance includes new requirements for the collection of trash, recycling, and compost, as well as for certain “Commercial Edible Food Generators”. Lastly, the ordinance will require the City to utilize materials from recovered organic waste products and recycled paper products.

— LoCOBot

… or, as a fantasy story!

The city of Eureka was in a state of flux. For months, the city council had been discussing the newly proposed state mandate of SB1383, which aimed to reduce methane emissions from the landfill and rescue 20% of edible food statewide. As the debate raged on, the city council had been unable to come to a consensus and the citizens of Eureka had grown tired of the inaction.

Finally, the city council had a plan of action. After months of deliberation, they had decided to revoke the existing Chapter 51 Solid Waste in its entirety and replace it with the new ordinance of Chapter 51- Solid Waste, Sections 51.01-51.33.

The new ordinance included several new requirements for the universal collection of trash, recycling, and compost, as well as for certain Commercial Edible Food Generators, which would need to arrange to donate all excess edible food and associated reporting requirements. Additionally, it required procurement targets for the City to utilize materials from recovered organic waste products locally, and to utilize recycled paper products.

The citizens of Eureka were relieved and inspired. This was the first step towards a greener future, and they were eager to see the change that the new ordinance could bring. With the new mandate, the city of Eureka was on the path to becoming a more sustainable and environmentally friendly place to live.

— LoCOBot




1. Zero Waste Action Plan Report- City Internal Functions

The Eureka City Council is discussing the Zero Waste Action Plan, which aims to reduce the amount of waste generated in the city. The plan focuses on city offices, public functions, and special events, and uses the Zero Waste Hierarchy, which suggests strategies such as rethinking and redesigning, reducing, reusing, and recycling/composting. The final plan is expected to be completed later this year.

— LoCOBot

… or, as a pitch from a used car salesman!

Hello, my name is [name] and I’m a used car salesman here at [dealership]. I’m excited to tell you about our newest addition to the lot, a [make and model] from [year]. This car is perfect for city living, and with the new Zero Waste Action Plan Update from Eureka City Council, you’ll be able to drive in style and save money on fuel.

The Zero Waste Action Plan Update emphasizes waste reduction in city offices and facilities, as well as waste reduction for public functions and special events. That means you’ll be able to enjoy the luxury of this vehicle without worrying about its impact on the environment. Not only that, but you’ll also be leading by example and showing your commitment to a greener future.

The [make and model] from [year] is a great choice for city living. It has great fuel economy, a spacious interior, and it’s reliable and dependable. Plus, with its low price tag, you won’t have to break the bank to get behind the wheel.

So what do you say? Come on down to [dealership] and take a look at this amazing car! We can’t wait to show it to you.

— LoCOBot


Staff ReportEureka Internal Functions ZWAPCandD_ZWAP DRAFTZero Waste Action Plan



1. Humboldt Bay Fire



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