Ryan Burns / @ 2:52 p.m. / Agendizer

City of Eureka Looks to Buy Land From Ocean View Cemetery for a New Operations Complex

Conceptual site layout for the City of Eureka’s proposed new corp yard and operations center. | Image via City of Eureka.


For years now, the City of Eureka has been searching for a new location for its corporation yard — the property where it stores and repairs fleet vehicles, public works equipment, maintenance materials and the like — and at long last, staff appears to have found a suitable spot: 5.6 currently unused acres next to Ocean View Cemetery.

The existing corp yard, near Coscto, sits in the Coastal Zone and is thus at risk of flooding from tsunamis and/or sea level rise. Six years ago, the city tried relocating the yard to a spot across from Sequoia Park Zoo. However, neighbors hated the idea so the city bailed on that spot, then ditched the search altogether, citing cost concerns.

Of course, as one might expect, the risk of tsunamis and sea level rise hasn’t lessened in the intervening years. 

“As a result, the City has a goal of relocating and redeveloping the corp yard to reduce the risk of structural failure and ensure efficient operations during a natural disaster.” So says a staff report for Monday’s meeting of the Eureka Planning Commission, which will consider a proposal to purchase the land from Ocean View Cemetery for not just the corp yard but also an operations building, a warehouse and a fleet maintenance shop. 

The facility would serve as the city’s emergency operations center during natural disasters and other emergencies, and according to the staff report, roughly 66 full-time and seasonal employees who currently work at City Hall or the existing corp yard would be stationed there. The existing corp yard would be declared surplus, its future use unknown. (Six years ago, Costco wanted that property for a parking lot expansion, but their interest appears to have evaporated in the interim.)

Water, sewer, gas and electrical services would all need to be extended to the facility from existing lines along Broadway.

Site location map via City of Eureka.


The new location, near Lost Coast Brewery’s brewing facility and across Hwy. 101 from Pierson Building Center, is “generally known to be culturally sensitive,” the staff report says.

William Rich and Associates prepared a Cultural Resources Investigation report, with a tribal cultural monitor from the Bear River Band present during a pedestrian survey and geotechnical field work. No artifacts or other cultural resources were identified, but the cultural resources consultant is recommending ongoing monitoring and an inadvertent discovery protocol, in case anything should turn up. 

In the city’s consultations with local tribes, Melanie McCavour, a former county planning commissioner and current tribal historic preservation officer with the Bear River Band of the Rohnerville Rancheria, asked about tribal members’ ongoing ability to access the land and collect plants.

“The existing network of roads, pathways and mature landscaping, in and around the cemetery, will continue to be available for walking or collecting,” the staff report notes, adding that the property is mostly covered by non-native grasses. In landscaping the new facility, the city would incorporate “culturally significant native plants” such as hazel and bear grass.

City staff has already conducted an initial study on the project’s potential environmental impacts, per the rules spelled out in the California Environmental Quality Act, and concluded that, with mitigation measures, the project would result in no substantial impacts.

Ultimately, this project will need to go before the Eureka City Council for approval. As per usual with government real estate negotiations, the asking price for this 5.6-acre property has not been disclosed.

See the linked documents and summaries below for more details.

Eureka Planning Commission
Oct. 23, 2023, 4:30 p.m.




1. Ocean View Acquisition and Operations Complex Development Location: Portion of Ocean View Cemetery; APN: 019-341-007 (portion) and 019-341-008 Project: Property Acquisition PA-23-0003

The City of Eureka wants to buy some land from the Ocean View Cemetery to build a new facility called the Eureka Operations Complex. This complex would include administrative offices, a warehouse, and a fleet maintenance shop. The current city yard is at risk of flooding and needs to be relocated. The proposed complex would also serve as the city’s emergency operations center during critical incidents and natural disasters. The project is in line with the city’s general plan and has been reviewed for its effects on the environment. The Planning Commission recommends that the City Council approve the acquisition and development of the new complex.

— LoCOBot

… or, as a Bruce Springsteen song!

(Verse 1)
In the town of Eureka, a proposal is made
To acquire some land that has never been laid
A cemetery plot, with potential untold
To build an operations complex, strong and bold

Ocean View Acquisition, a vision in sight
The City of Eureka, ready to take flight
With an operations building, warehouse, and shop
A facility to make the city never stop

(Verse 2)
The existing corp yard, at risk of the tide
Needs to be relocated, away from sea’s hide
The new complex will serve as emergency base
During incidents, disasters, and times of chase

Ocean View Acquisition, a vision in sight
The City of Eureka, ready to take flight
With an operations building, warehouse, and shop
A facility to make the city never stop

The land is designated, as public quasi-public
A move to preserve, resources aesthetic
With careful landscape design, to blend with the scene
The operations complex, won’t be obtrusive or mean

Ocean View Acquisition, a vision in sight
The City of Eureka, ready to take flight
With an operations building, warehouse, and shop
A facility to make the city never stop

(Verse 3)
Environmental review, under CEQA’s care
Ensuring no harm, to nature’s welfare
With the draft IS/MND, the project moves ahead
Mitigating impacts, and staying in the thread

Ocean View Acquisition, a vision in sight
The City of Eureka, ready to take flight
With an operations building, warehouse, and shop
A facility to make the city never stop

So, let the planning commence, the acquisition is near
The Bruce Springsteen song, to Eureka’s cheer
Ocean View Acquisition, a city’s bright dream
To build a future complex, in this coastal theme

— LoCOBot


Staff ReportAttachment 1 ResolutionAttachment 2 ISMNDAttachment 3 Response to Comments and ErrataAttachment 4 MMRP




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