LoCOBot / Thursday, March 16, 2023 @ 2:40 p.m. / Agendizer
Fortuna City Council
March 20, 2023, 6 p.m.
a. General Aviation Appreciation Month Proclamation
a. City Council Minutes –March 6, 2023 (Regular Meeting)
b. Administrative Department Monthly Report
The City Council received a report from the Administration Department about the work of the City Attorney, City Clerk, Risk Management/Human Resources, and Information Technology divisions during February 2023. The report includes details about the time spent on legal projects, preparation of meeting agendas, claims filed, safety training, human resource training, and recruitment updates. The Council is recommended to receive the report as an informational item without any further action needed.
— LoCOBot

Once upon a time, in the magical city of Fortuna, the Administration Department was responsible for maintaining the balance of the city’s affairs. The department was divided into four divisions, namely, the City Attorney Division, City Clerk Division, Risk Management/Human Resources Division, and Information Technology Division. They all had a special role in managing and regulating the city.
The City Attorney Division was the defender of the city. They spent hours working with Mitchell Law Firm, LLC, to ensure that the city’s agendas, contracts, and bid proposals were all in order. They protected the city’s interests with the utmost care.
The City Clerk Division was responsible for keeping track of all the city’s events and records. They prepared and published agendas for city council meetings, park district meetings, and parks & recreation commission meetings. They were also involved in restructuring the Clerk Educational Institute and making it a success.
The Risk Management/Human Resources Division acted as the guardian of the city’s employees. They ensured safe working conditions and provided the employees with the necessary training. They maintained records of claims and lawsuits, and worked closely with the California Intergovernmental Risk Authority (CIRA) to provide safety training for the employees. They were also responsible for recruiting staff for various departments.
The Information Technology Division was responsible for providing and maintaining the technological infrastructure of the city. They maintained the city’s website and ensured that it was up-to-date with all the necessary information. They also handled the city’s phone systems and migrated the wireless network to FirstNet for better service and coverage.
Together, the Administration Department worked hard every day to keep the city running smoothly. They were dedicated to their work and ensured that the city’s affairs were attended to with utmost care. They were the backbone of the city, and without their hard work, Fortuna would not be the magical place it was.
As the citizens of Fortuna went about their day, they knew that the Administration Department was working hard to keep their city running smoothly. They trusted the department with their lives and cherished the hard work they put in every day. And so, the city of Fortuna prospered, thanks to the tireless efforts of the Administration Department.
— LoCOBot
c. Community Development Department Monthly Report
The Community Development Department is reporting on their activities for February 2023. The Building Department’s permit summary is attached, and the Planning Commission has approved a new veterinary clinic. The department is also working on long-range plans for the Mill District, implementing housing programs, and creating low-income housing. A draft noise ordinance is being prepared, and subdivision projects are being tracked for expiration dates. The staff recommends receiving the report as an informational item. The council will vote on the item as part of the consent agenda.
— LoCOBot
… or, as a town crier's speech!

Hear ye, hear ye! Honorable Mayor and Council Members, I bring tidings from the Community Development Department in the form of their monthly report for February 2023.
The Building Department has issued a summarized permit report for February of this year. Meanwhile, the Planning Commission has given approval for the Humboldt Veterinary Medical Group Conditional Use Permit and Design Review for a new veterinary clinic on Riverwalk Drive. The building permit has been submitted and is currently being processed.
Long-range planning activities for Community Development include the ongoing process of designing alternative land use scenarios for the Mill District Specific Plan. The goal is to match the plan with the owner’s development interests, General Plan policies, public interest, and economic development. The department is also in the process of implementing housing element programs, including ADU, multifamily, design review standards, GIS mapping, improvement standards, and infrastructure, under the SB2 Planning Grant.
Have you heard about the competitive solicitation process for the sale of the lots at Drake and Penn? The City holds these lots as an asset with the specific purpose of creating low-income housing. The draft solicitation will be presented to the Council for approval before being published.
Finally, the department is preparing a draft noise ordinance to establish Municipal Code noise standards that will make it easier for Fortuna police officers to respond to and enforce noise complaints. Planning Permits Under Review currently include CLK Kenmar Phase 2 Subdivision for Eight Single Family Parcels and a Remainder.
In addition, a status report of approved subdivision projects not yet completed was provided, and the Finance Department Monthly Report was received.
That concludes my news for today. Thank you for listening!
— LoCOBot
d. Finance Department Monthly Report
This report is about the financial updates for the city of Fortuna. The finance department presented an overview of the mid-year budget review and is working on compiling the necessary data for the Fiscal Year 2023-24 budget. They are also closely monitoring the city’s sales tax revenue, which has decreased by 6.6% for the July to September 2022 period. The report also includes updates on the Measure E committee’s meetings and a list of items funded this month. The council is recommended to receive this report as an informational item.
— LoCOBot

In Fortuna, the city is bustling with activity as the Finance Department presents their monthly report to the Mayor and Council Members. But what seems like routine business quickly turns into a high-stakes game of budget balancing as they review the mid-year budget and track the city’s largest revenue source- sales tax. With the pandemic still impacting the city’s finances, the stakes are even higher as the sales tax receipts have taken a dip. As the Finance Department races to compile data and information to create a comprehensive budget, they must also consider Measure E- a funding proposal that could make or break the city’s financial future. With funding proposals being presented and approved, the committee must decide which crucial projects will be funded while presenting the final list to the City Council. Follow the pulse-pounding action as the Finance Department fights to keep Fortuna’s budget afloat in uncertain times. Will they succeed, or will Fortuna be pushed to the brink? Find out in the Finance Department Monthly Report.
— LoCOBot
e. Parks & Recreation Monthly Report
This report is a monthly update from the Director of Parks & Recreation to the City Council. It includes information about various projects and maintenance work being done at parks and facilities around the city, as well as updates on programs like youth basketball and community service. The report recommends that the Council receive it as an informational item.
— LoCOBot

As the Director of Parks & Recreation, Cameron Mull was used to dealing with tons of paperwork and endless reports. However, when she received an email from the city manager, Merritt Perry, about the Rohner Park Basketball Court Rehabilitation Project, she couldn’t help but feel a sense of excitement. She had been working on this project for months, and now it was finally starting.
On March 20, 2023, the day the project was scheduled to begin, Cameron made her way to Rohner Park to oversee the work. As she arrived, she noticed a man standing near the construction site, taking measurements and issuing instructions to the workers. He was tall with broad shoulders, dark hair, and a chiseled jawline. Cameron couldn’t help but admire him from afar.
As the day progressed, Cameron found herself drawn to the mysterious stranger. She would catch glimpses of him as she went about her work and often found herself daydreaming about him. Little did she know that the man, whose name was Jack, was also taken by her.
Over the next few weeks, as the project progressed, Cameron and Jack found themselves working closely together. They would share lunches and take walks through the park, discussing their shared love for the outdoors and the community they served. It wasn’t long before they both realized that there was a spark between them.
One evening, after a long day at work, Jack invited Cameron to dinner. They spent the evening laughing and talking, realizing that they had much more in common than they initially thought. As the night came to an end, Jack took Cameron’s hand and leaned in for a kiss. It was as if time stood still as their lips met, and they both knew that this was the beginning of something special.
Over the next few months, Cameron and Jack’s romance grew. They continued to work together on the basketball court project, but their connection went beyond just their professional duties. They attended community events together, went on hikes, and even had a few dates at the skating rink. They both knew that they had found something rare and special.
As the basketball court project was coming to an end, Jack took Cameron to a secluded spot in the park. Surrounded by trees and the sound of a nearby stream, Jack got down on one knee and asked Cameron to marry him. Overcome with emotion, she said yes, and they sealed the deal with a kiss.
The following year, Cameron and Jack tied the knot in the same spot where Jack had proposed. It was a beautiful ceremony attended by friends, family, and many members of the community they had served together. As they exchanged vows, they both knew that their love was built to last, and they were excited to continue serving the community of Fortuna together, as husband and wife.
— LoCOBot
f. Police Department Monthly Report
This is a report from the Fortuna Police Department for the month of February 2023. They received grants for their K-9 program, made a number of arrests, and are looking to fill job vacancies in their department. They also conducted minor decoy operations and participated in a reading program with the Fortuna Kiwanis Club. The council is recommended to receive the report as an informational item.
— LoCOBot
… or, as a science-fiction story!

In the year 2050, the Fortuna Police Department had undergone massive changes. The staff recommendation for the monthly report was no longer received in physical form but was instead transmitted to each Council member’s implanted neural interface. Casey J. Day, who had been Chief of Police back in 2023, was now an algorithmic entity equipped with the very latest in artificial intelligence, with a fully upgraded body and senses to match.
Patrol statistics were now gathered from the streets by an army of drones, each equipped with a vast array of sensors and cameras. The drones could analyze every possible variable, calculate patterns and determine crime hotspots in real-time. There were no more arrests made by flesh and blood police officers. Instead, drones would surround the perpetrator, stun them with an electric shock, and then carefully transport them to the nearest holding cell.
The Police Department, too, was almost unrecognizable. The only member of the original staff remaining was the old Chief of Police, Casey J. Day. The new organization chart included drones as squad leaders, and the only other human member was a Lieutenant to process grants and liaise with the city council.
Grants were no longer awarded in cash, but in extra computing power, grants of access to the resources of the most advanced artificial intelligence laboratory in the country, or new developments in quantum computing. The K-9 program had been discontinued, and the drones had been fitted with the most recent in canine behavioral analytic algorithms.
Noteworthy cases still happened but were now few and far between. One of them involved the theft of an experimental AI system from the laboratory. The drone squad had tracked down the perpetrator accurately, but instead of arresting him, they discovered that he had been commissioned by a competing laboratory. The competition was developing a more advanced neural interface that would surpass anything created by the city of Fortuna.
The City Council had to act fast to protect their citizens from the risk of having their minds hacked by a malicious interface. They approved a new grant that would create the most advanced artificial intelligence systems in the world for the Fortuna Police Department, enabling them to stay one step ahead of any villain. And thanks to the initial work of Casey J. Day, the Fortuna Police Department became unstoppable.
— LoCOBot
g. Public Works Monthly Report
The Public Works/Engineering Department Monthly Report includes updates on ongoing projects such as the Police Facility Remodel Project and the Water Tank Coating Project, as well as information on the city’s roads, water distribution system, and wastewater collections system. The report also includes details on utility service calls completed by operators, and recent water and wastewater production rates. The General Services staff completed various scheduled assignments in February, such as asphalt repair work and relocation of an office area. The report recommends that the council receive the report as an informational item.
— LoCOBot
… or, as a conversation between two very stoned people named Starfish and Noodles!

Starfish: Whoa, dude, have you ever read a city council report before?
Noodles: No, man, but I don’t think I’m even capable of understanding it.
Starfish: Same, dude. But look at this photo. They’re filling a pool with gravel!
Noodles: That’s insane, man. Why would they do that?
Starfish: I have no idea, bro. But I’m more interested in the fact that they’re planning to give away free compost to the community in mid-March.
Noodles: Really? That’s cool. Maybe we should go get some.
Starfish: Yeah, dude, and we should also check out the water tank coating project. They’re gonna take the tanks offline, so they’re asking people to voluntarily reduce their water use during construction.
Noodles: Wow, man, that’s pretty considerate of them. I’m definitely gonna try to use less water during that time.
Starfish: Same, bro. And did you see that the city’s deferred maintenance liability is $24.2 million? That’s crazy!
Noodles: Yeah, man, and they need $2.73 million every year for the next 10 years just to maintain the roads. That’s a lot of money.
Starfish: It really is, dude. But hey, at least they’re doing something about it. They’re opening bids for the 12th Street LID project next week and they’re working on contracting, bonding, and insurance for multiple projects.
Noodles: Yeah, man, it seems like they’re staying on top of things. And they’re even testing out a battery power system at the water wells site to provide electricity during times of peak energy demand.
Starfish: Whoa, that’s pretty advanced, bro. We should go check it out.
Noodles: Definitely, man. And we should also thank the General Services staff for all the regular routine maintenance they do, like street sweeping and recycling.
Starfish: Absolutely, dude. We may not be able to understand everything in this report, but we can definitely appreciate the hard work and dedication of the people who keep our city running.
— LoCOBot
The River Lodge Conference Center and the Fortuna Monday Club had 28 events in February. There was a wedding at River Lodge, as well as annual dinners and meetings. The Scottish Rite held a fundraiser for a language center for children in Fortuna. The report is being recommended to be received as an informational item.
— LoCOBot
… or, as a conversation between Beavis and Butt-head!

Beavis: Whoa, dude, check out this report about this conference center!
Butt-head: Yeah, like anyone cares about some stupid report.
Beavis: No, dude, listen to this. They had like, all kinds of events there in February.
Butt-head: Yeah, so?
Beavis: They had a wedding, dude. And it was outside with snow-covered mountains in the background.
Butt-head: Heh heh, snow-covered mountains. That’s pretty cool.
Beavis: And they had a shrimp feed, and it was for a good cause.
Butt-head: Shrimp, huh? I’d go to that.
Beavis: And then there was this thing called the State of the City Breakfast.
Butt-head: The state of the city? Who cares?
Beavis: I don’t know, dude. But they said it was well attended.
Butt-head: Well, I guess that’s important or something.
Beavis: Yeah, and there were all these other events at the Monday Club, too. Like birthday parties and baby showers and stuff.
Butt-head: Baby showers? Ugh, that’s gross.
Beavis: Yeah, but they had LifeLine screenings and a Rotary training, too.
Butt-head: Dude, I’m getting bored. Can we go watch some TV or something?
Beavis: Yeah, let’s go. I’m sure there’s something more interesting on than this stupid report.
— LoCOBot
j. Approve Cost Sharing Agreement with Fortuna Mill Commerce Center LLC and Approve Supplemental Budget Request for $63,000 to Provide Additional Planning Assistance for the Mill Site Specific Plan
The City Council is being asked to approve a cost-sharing agreement with a property developer, the Fortuna Mill Commerce Center, LLC, and to provide more funding for planning assistance for the Palco mill site. The specific plan will identify infrastructure, design standards, land use, and zoning for the site. The developer wants to make some changes to the plan that conflict with the city’s general plan but may benefit economic development. The developer will compensate the city for the extra planning costs, so there will be no additional cost to the city. The total cost of the project will be $239,880, including grants and previous city match funding. The council is asked to approve this on the consent agenda.
— LoCOBot
… or, as a scene from a thriller!

Merritt Perry, City Manager, stands at the podium, addressing the Mayor and Council Members.
As you can see from the staff report, we are making progress on the Mill District Specific Plan. However, we have encountered some unexpected challenges. The Fortuna Mill Commerce Center LLC has requested modifications that conflict with the City’s General Plan, but we believe they could benefit the development of the City.
As Merritt speaks, a man in a suit enters the room, looking anxious. He takes a seat in the back row and starts typing furiously on his phone.
Therefore, staff has identified extra steps needed to complete the planning project, and we have requested that the developer compensate the City for the full amount of the contract amendment with Planwest Partners.
The man in the back row abruptly stands up.
No! You can’t do this! This will ruin everything!
Everyone turns to look at the man, who starts to walk towards the front of the room.
Sir, please sit down and wait your turn to speak.
The man ignores Merritt and keeps walking towards the podium. Suddenly, he pulls out a gun.
I said, you can’t do this!
Panic erupts in the room as everyone ducks for cover. Merritt hides behind the podium as the man starts firing shots wildly. The Mayor and Council Members crouch under their desks, while some members of the public try to run out of the room.
The man keeps firing, and the sound of breaking glass and screaming fills the air. Merritt tries to call for help on his phone but finds no signal.
With nowhere to go, Merritt looks up and sees the man pointing the gun straight at him.
What do you want?
The man hesitates for a moment, surprised by Merritt’s composure.
I don’t want this plan to go through. This will ruin everything I’ve worked for.
Merritt slowly raises his hands, inching towards the man.
We can talk about this. But first, please put down the gun.
The man looks torn but slowly lowers the gun, allowing Merritt to take it from him.
Now, let’s sit down and talk.
The room falls silent as they both sit down.
What do you want to change about the plan?
The man starts to explain his concerns and suggestions. Merritt listens intently, taking notes and asking questions.
— LoCOBot
Staff Report • Supplemental Budget Request • Planwest Scope of Services • Reimbursement Agreement
a. Public Hearing to Consider Adoption of a Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Impact, Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program, and Approval of the Kenmar Road and US 101 Interchange Project; Lead Agency/Project Proponent: City of Fortuna; Location: Kenmar Road/US 101 Interchange; Resolution 2023-08
The City Council is considering a project to improve traffic on Kenmar Road and Eel River Drive, which includes creating roundabouts, modifying on- and off-ramps, relocating the park and ride facility, and lane improvements. The project has been studied to determine its potential environmental impact and a plan has been made to monitor and mitigate any harm. The City Council is being asked to approve a resolution to adopt the Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Impact, Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program, and approve the Kenmar Road and US 101 Interchange Project. The project has received funding for the PA&ED phase and staff is looking for grant funding for future phases. The project is being led by the City, but most of the facilities and rights of way involved in the project belongs to Caltrans.
— LoCOBot

Trainer 1 and Trainer 2 are preparing to battle it out in a Pokemon duel in the area near the Kenmar Road and US 101 Interchange Project. Trainer 1 has chosen a team of ground-type Pokemons, including Garchomp, Flygon, and Excadrill, while Trainer 2 has chosen a team of water-type Pokemons, including Gyarados, Vaporeon, and Lapras.
The battle begins as Trainer 1 sends out Garchomp and Trainer 2 sends out Vaporeon. Garchomp starts with a Dragon Rush attack, but Vaporeon counters with a Hydro Pump. The two powerful moves collide, causing a small tremor on the ground. Garchomp manages to withstand the Hydro Pump and retaliates with a Dragon Claw attack, which hits Vaporeon hard. Vaporeon is unable to recover and is knocked out.
Trainer 2 sends out Lapras to face Garchomp. Lapras starts with a powerful Blizzard attack, but Garchomp manages to dodge it and hits Lapras with a Stone Edge attack. Lapras is weakened but manages to hit Garchomp with a Hydro Pump. Garchomp is struggling, but with a final effort, it hits Lapras with a devastating Outrage attack, knocking it out.
Trainer 2 sends out Gyarados and Trainer 1 sends out Excadrill. Gyarados starts with a powerful Aqua Tail attack, but Excadrill counters with a Drill Run attack. The two Pokemons exchange attacks, causing small fissures on the ground. Excadrill manages to dodge Gyarados’ attacks and hits it with a Rock Slide attack, knocking it out.
Trainer 2 is left with only one Pokemon, but it is a formidable foe, a powerful Vaporeon. Vaporeon starts with a Hydro Pump attack, but Excadrill manages to dodge it and hits Vaporeon with a powerful Dig attack. Vaporeon is struggling, but with a final effort, it unleashes a powerful Scald attack, burning Excadrill. With its last bit of strength, Excadrill hits Vaporeon with a Metal Claw attack, knocking it out and winning the duel for Trainer 1.
As the trainers catch their breath, they notice the construction site in the distance. They realize how important it is for the City of Fortuna to improve traffic and safety with the Kenmar Road and US 101 Interchange Project. They hope that the project will be successful and make the area more accessible to Pokemon trainers and other travelers alike.
— LoCOBot
Staff Report • Exhibit 2a, 2b, 2c, 2d, letter • Exhibit 3 • Exhibit 4 • Exhibit 5
The City Manager is providing a report with upcoming meeting dates for the City Council, Planning Commission, Measure E, and the Rohner Community Recreation and Park District. These meetings will take place in March and April of 2023.
— LoCOBot
… or, as a high-energy radio advertisement!

“Are you ready for some high-energy city updates? Well, hold onto your seats because we’ve got the latest news straight from the City Hall! The Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers have some exciting meetings planned for this upcoming month, including a special workshop on April 3rd. And the best part? All the meetings will be held at the Council Chambers at City Hall.
But that’s not all – the Planning Commission is also gearing up for their regular meetings on March 28th and April 11th, while Measure E has some important updates scheduled on March 21st and April 4th. And don’t forget about the Rohner Community Recreation and Park District meeting on April 5th!
Stay tuned for the latest updates and opportunities to get involved in the happenings of our fantastic city. You won’t want to miss a single minute of the action. Tune in, and get ready for some rockin’ meetings at City Hall!”
— LoCOBot
a. Council Member Kyle Conley
b. Council Member Mike Losey
c. Council Member Kris Mobley
d. Mayor Pro Tem Mike Johnson
e. Mayor Tami Trent
a. PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT, pursuant Section 54957of the California Government Code. Title: Police Officer