LoCOBot / @ 5:30 p.m. / Agendizer

Humboldt County Planning Commission
July 18, 2024, 6 p.m.






. Review and approval of the March 7, 2024, Action Summary.

. Review and approval of the May 02, 2024, Action Summary.

. Review and approval of the May 16, 2024, Action Summary.


. Draft Commercial Residential Ordinance Assessor Parcel Numbers (APN) 000-000-000 Record No.: LRP-2023-18805 All the unincorporated areas of Humboldt County. The Commercial Residential Ordinance is to implement and expand upon Senate Bill 6 (SB 6), which allows for residential development in zones where office, parking, or retail uses are permitted. Based upon the County’s zoning regulations, various commercial and industrial zoning designations may qualify. Commercial residential is proposed as

The County of Humboldt is considering new ordinances to allow for residential development in certain commercial and industrial zones. The ordinances aim to promote denser housing and update zoning regulations to be consistent with state building codes and the General Plan. The Planning Commission is recommending that the Board of Supervisors approve these ordinances. The changes include allowing for a maximum residential density of 20 units per acre and promoting residential infill projects in certain zones. The proposals are exempt from environmental review.

— LoCOBot

… or, as a Robert Burns poem!

Oh, braw County o’ Humboldt fair,
Wi’ plans and ordinances in the air,
For the meeting on the eighteenth day,
The Planning Commission shall have their say.

Wi’ files numbered twenty-four eleven twenty-seven,
The Planning and Building Department’s steps to heaven,
In the agenda, a Public Hearing awaits,
On the Draft Commercial Residential Ordinance, the debate.

Assessor Parcel Numbers, o’ so fine,
In every nook and cranny o’ Humboldt, they shine,
Recorded in LRP-two zero two three one eight eight oh five,
For all the unincorporated areas, to thrive.

A new type o’ development, commercial residential shall be,
Adding dwellings to zones, where offices and retail are seen,
Modifying sections and tables to make it right,
For the inland and coastal areas, shining bright.

Zoning regulations, amendments galore,
To implement measures and open the door,
For housing types and infill projects in the town,
In Humboldt County, let the changes go down.

The Planning Commission, in their wisdom profound,
Shall adopt resolutions, with resolutions abound,
Findings of exemption and public interest true,
For the proposed ordinances, enacting them too.

So let it be written, so let it be done,
For the County of Humboldt, under the sun,
A poem by Burns, in Scottish delight,
Capturing the essence o’ this planning night.

— LoCOBot


Staff ReportAttachment 1 - Commercial Residential Draft Resolution (Inland Coastal)Attachment 2 - Inland Commercial Residential OrdAttachment 3 - Coastal Commercial Residential OrdAttachment 4 - Zoning Updates Draft Resolution (Inland Coastal)Attachment 5 - Inland Zoning Updates OrdAttachment 6 - Coastal Zoning Updates OrdAttachment 7 - Senate Bill 6Attachment 8 - Public Comments

. Draft Tiny House Village Ordinance and Draft Emergency Housing Village Ordinance Assessor Parcel Numbers (APN) 000-000-000 Record No.: LRP-2021-17304 Unincorporated Humboldt County. The Tiny House Village Ordinance will amend the zoning code to allow a grouping or clustering of three or more tiny houses or moveable tiny houses as a type of multifamily dwelling. Tiny house villages can also include Dependent Unit Villages defined as a grouping or clustering of three or more sleeping units with ce

The County of Humboldt is considering two ordinances, one for tiny house villages and one for emergency housing villages. The tiny house village ordinance would allow groupings of three or more tiny houses or movable tiny houses. The emergency housing village ordinance would allow a broad range of housing types for emergency situations. The Planning Commission is being asked to adopt resolutions recommending that the County Board of Supervisors approve these ordinances. Various changes have been made to the ordinances based on feedback from previous meetings. The goal is to provide more affordable housing options in Humboldt County.

— LoCOBot

… or, as a nursery rhyme!

In the County of Humboldt, on a meeting day so fine,
The Planning Commission gathered, the agenda was a sign.
A Tiny House Village Ordinance was up for debate,
Along with an Emergency Housing one, they couldn’t wait.

They discussed zoning and clustering, with APN in hand,
Making changes to encourage lower cost housing across the land.
The Tiny House Villages, a charming sight to see,
Three or more tiny houses, a community that’s cozy.

And for emergencies, they had a plan in place,
Alternative Lodge Parks and Dependent Unit Village grace.
The Commission recommended actions to take,
For the Board of Supervisors to consider, for the county’s sake.

The discussion was thorough, changes were made,
Incorporating feedback, the ordinances were swayed.
To promote diversity, to help those in need,
For homeless and low income, a better path to lead.

So here’s to Humboldt County, forward they go,
With resolutions passed, a brighter future to show.
For housing and shelter, for those who may roam,
In the County of Humboldt, they’re building a new home.

— LoCOBot


Staff ReportAttachment 1 - THV Draft Resolution (Inland Coastal)Attachment 2 - Inland Tiny House Village Ord. DraftAttachment 3 - Coastal Tiny House Village Ord. DraftAttachment 4 - EHV Draft Resolution (Inland & Coastal)Attachment 5 - Inland Emergency Housing Village Ord. DraftAttachment 6 - Coastal Emergency Housing Village Ord. DraftAttachment 7 - CA Building Appendix P Emergency HousingAttachment 8 - Public Comments




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