Isabella Vanderheiden / @ 8:13 a.m. / Agendizer

THIS WEEK IN SUPES: HVAC Improvements to the Ferndale Vets Hall, Law Enforcement Services in Blue Lake, and More!

Photo: Andrew Goff


This week’s Humboldt County Board of Supervisors meeting is shaping up to be one of the shortest in recent memory. There are no action items up for consideration on Tuesday’s agenda, and the 21 items listed are filed under the consent calendar, which is typically approved in a single motion without much discussion from the board. On top of that, none of the agenda items are all that interesting. (No offense, county staff!)

Let’s take a quick look anyhow.

Improvements to the Ferndale Veterans Hall

The board is slated to approve a $325,739 supplemental budget request for HVAC upgrades to the Ferndale Veterans Hall, something First District Supervisor and Board Chair Rex Bohn has long advocated for. The board is also expected to approve an agreement with local contractor DCI Builders to install the new system.

The Ferndale Veterans Hall has had several heating systems over the years – most recently fuel-burning monitor heaters – all of which have failed, according to the staff report. The new electric heat pump system that’s been designed for the building will be much more efficient.

The Board of Supervisors allocated $377,000 from the General Fund when the project was first established. The board approved another $373,208 from the county’s deferred maintenance fund when the county began accepting bids for the project. The supplemental budget request up for consideration at this week’s meeting would cover the remaining expenses.

“The anticipated total project cost for this work is estimated to be $1,075,947, including hard construction costs, construction contingency funds, and soft costs including design, engineering, project management, construction administration and fees,” the staff report states.

Law Enforcement Services in Blue Lake

A few months ago, the board settled a contractual dispute between the Humboldt County Sheriff’s Office and the City of Blue Lake over the cost of law enforcement services the department provides for the city, which it has done since 2008. 

At Tuesday’s meeting, the board will consider another agreement that would retroactively charge the city $190,685 for the 2024-25 Fiscal Year.

“Due to a renegotiation of indemnity and insurance language and the timing of getting the agreement approved by Blue Lake’s insurance carrier and to your Board, HCSO is requesting that the agreement be approved retroactively to July 1, 2024 to accurately reflect the amount of coverage and services being provided by HCSO to the city of Blue Lake,” the staff report states. “Both parties intend to continue services beyond June 30, 2025 and will renegotiate the annual rate and return to your Board with a new agreement for next fiscal year.”

A copy of the agreement can be found here.


The board will consider a few other housekeeping items, including a few other supplemental budget requests, contract renewals for ambulance services in various parts of the county and a few proclamations. The board will adjourn in memory of Eureka resident Hollie Klingel, a longtime local activist and member of the Humboldt County Human Rights Commission.

You can check out the rest of the agenda, complete with supporting documents and creative riffs from Gennie AgendaBot, below. The Humboldt County Board of Supervisors will meet Tuesday at 9 a.m. in board chambers at the Humboldt County Courthouse.

Humboldt County Board of Supervisors
Oct. 8, 2024, 9 a.m.





1. Adjourn in the Memory of Hollie Klingel

The Board of Supervisors in Humboldt County is recommending that they adjourn a meeting in memory of Hollie Klingel. The recommendation is to authorize the Chair to sign a Certificate of Adjournment. Hollie will be missed and there are no costs or other agencies involved in this action.

— LoCOBot

… or, as a Twitter thread!


1/ Today’s County of Humboldt Board of Supervisors meeting will include a recommendation to adjourn in the memory of Hollie Klingel. Hollie will be missed by the community and this gesture serves as a tribute to her impact.

2/ Supervisor Natalie Arroyo has recommended that the Board of Supervisors authorize the Chair to sign the Certificate of Adjournment in memory of Hollie Klingel. It’s important for the community to come together and honor those who have made a difference.

3/ This action aligns with the Board’s Strategic Plan in the area of Core Services/Other. Hollie’s contributions and presence in Humboldt County have left a lasting impact that will not be forgotten.

4/ While there is no source of funding or other agency involvement related to this recommendation, it is a simple yet meaningful way to pay respect to Hollie Klingel and all that she has done for the community.

5/ Let’s take a moment to reflect on the legacy of Hollie Klingel and the positive influence she has had in Humboldt County. May her memory continue to inspire and uplift us all. #HumboldtCounty #InMemoryOfHollieKlingel #CommunityTribute

(end of thread)

— LoCOBot


Staff ReportAdhourn in Memory.pdf

2. Proclaim September 15 to October 15, 2024 as Latinx Heritage Month

Supervisor Natalie Arroyo is recommending the Board of Supervisors to proclaim September 15 to October 15, 2024 as Latinx Heritage Month in Humboldt County to honor the histories and contributions of Latinx Americans. This supports the board’s goal of celebrating successes and fostering community pride. No other agencies are involved in this proclamation.

— LoCOBot

… or, as a town crier's speech!

Hear ye, hear ye! I bring forth news from the County of Humboldt for the meeting of October 8, 2024.

File number 24-1423, presented by Supervisor Natalie Arroyo, suggests proclaiming September 15 to October 15, 2024 as Latinx Heritage Month in Humboldt County. This proclamation aims to honor the rich histories, cultures, and contributions of Latinx Americans, spanning from Mexico, the Caribbean, Central and South America, and Spain. It also recognizes the recent immigrants and their families who have made Humboldt County their home.

The recommendation before the Board of Supervisors is to adopt this resolution, requiring a majority vote. By proclaiming Latinx Heritage Month, the Board supports the strategic plan’s focus on safe and healthy communities, celebrating successes, and fostering community pride.

There are no other agency involvements in this proclamation, and the alternative action lies at the Board’s discretion.

Let us come together to recognize and celebrate the diverse Latinx heritage within our community. May we embrace and appreciate the cultures, traditions, and contributions that enrich the fabric of Humboldt County. Thank you.

— LoCOBot


Staff ReportProclamation.pdf

3. Proclaim October 2024 as Breast Cancer Awareness Month in Humboldt County

The Board of Supervisors is being asked to proclaim October 2024 as Breast Cancer Awareness Month in Humboldt County. This is important because breast cancer is a common and serious disease, and raising awareness can help support research and find a cure. There is no cost to adopting the proclamation, and it aligns with the Board’s goals of improving safety and health in the community. No other agencies are involved, and there are no alternatives to the recommendation.

— LoCOBot

… or, as Star Trek fan fiction!

Captain Kathryn Janeway sat in her ready room, reviewing the latest reports from Starfleet Command. As she scrolled through the messages, one in particular caught her eye. It was a message from Supervisor Michelle Bushnell of Humboldt County, urging the Board of Supervisors to proclaim October 2024 as Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

Breast cancer. The words struck a chord with Janeway, reminding her of her own battles with the disease. She knew firsthand the importance of raising awareness and supporting research to find a cure. Determined to do something to support the cause, Janeway called a meeting with her senior staff.

“Gather round, everyone,” Janeway said as her crew entered the room. “I’ve just received a message from Humboldt County, urging us to support Breast Cancer Awareness Month. I want to do something to show our support for this important cause.”

Lieutenant Commander Tuvok, the ship’s stoic Vulcan security officer, raised an eyebrow. “Captain, while I understand the importance of raising awareness for medical conditions such as breast cancer, is it within our jurisdiction to intervene in local matters?”

Janeway thought for a moment before responding. “You’re right, Tuvok. We can’t interfere in the affairs of a planetary government. However, we can use our platform to help spread awareness and support the cause in our own way.”

Ensign Harry Kim, the young and eager operations officer, spoke up. “What if we hold a fundraiser or awareness event on the holodeck? We could invite the crew to donate or participate in activities to raise money for breast cancer research.”

Janeway’s eyes lit up at the idea. “That’s a fantastic suggestion, Harry. Let’s get to work planning the event. I want us to show our support for Breast Cancer Awareness Month and honor those who have fought or are currently fighting the disease.”

As the crew dispersed to make preparations for the event, Janeway couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride in her team. They may be light-years away from Earth, but their mission to boldly go where no one has gone before also included using their resources to make a difference in the fight against breast cancer. And with their support, the message of hope and awareness would reach far beyond the stars.

— LoCOBot


Staff ReportBreast Cancer Awareness Month.pdf

4. Humboldt County Children’s Author Festival 50th Birthday Proclamation

The Board of Supervisors is being asked to adopt a proclamation to celebrate the 50th birthday of the Humboldt County Children’s Author Festival. Community members are encouraged to attend the festival’s events in Eureka. The Festival brings well-known authors to the county to inspire students and promote reading, writing, and book creation. There is no source of funding for this proclamation.

— LoCOBot

… or, as a Brazilian carnival song!

Carnaval no Condado de Humboldt

Vem comemorar, vem festejar
O aniversário do Festival de Autores Infantis
No Condado de Humboldt é que vai rolar
Uma festa incrível, cheia de brilho e magia

Estamos aqui para proclamar
Os 50 anos de história e inspiração
Autores famosos vão chegar
Para encantar a nossa nação

A venda de livros e autógrafos também terá
Na biblioteca de Eureka, não perca essa ocasião
Dia 19 de outubro, venha participar
E celebrar a leitura com paixão

O Festival de Autores Infantis chegou em 1974
Desde então, trazendo literatura e emoção
Visitando escolas, inspirando com amor
A ler, escrever, criar com dedicação

Acesse o site para mais informações
E prepare-se para essa comemoração
Carnaval no Condado de Humboldt, diversão
Aproveite a festa, é pura animação!

— LoCOBot


Staff ReportChildren's Author Fesitval Proclamation.pdf

5. Notice of Vacancy on the Behavioral Health Board

A vacancy has opened on the Behavioral Health Board due to a resignation. The Board of Supervisors is being asked to receive and file a report on the vacancy, and applications are being accepted to fill the position. All appointed members of the board will need to comply with certain requirements. The funding for this position will come from the General Fund. No other agencies are involved in this decision.

— LoCOBot

… or, as a Socratic dialogue!


Socrates: Greetings, friends. Today I have come across an interesting document from the County of Humboldt regarding a vacancy on the Behavioral Health Board.

Athena: Ah, yes. I see here that a vacancy has occurred due to Debbie Hartridge’s resignation. It seems that the Board of Supervisors is recommending that we receive and file the report.

Plato: That’s right. It looks like the vacancy has been posted per the protocol, and applications are being accepted to fill the position.

Socrates: It’s important to note that all appointed members of the Behavioral Health Board will need to comply with the California Fair Political Practices Form 700 requirements and complete ethics training every two years.

Athena: I wonder what qualifications or experience they are looking for in a new board member.

Plato: It doesn’t specify in the report, but I imagine they would want someone with a background in behavioral health or a related field.

Socrates: Indeed, it would be crucial for the new member to have a strong understanding of the issues facing the community in terms of mental health and addiction.

Athena: Do you think it’s important for the Board of Supervisors to have a diverse range of perspectives on the Behavioral Health Board?

Plato: Absolutely. Different viewpoints and experiences can only enrich the discussions and decision-making process.

Socrates: So, it seems that the recommendation to receive and file the report aligns with the Board’s strategic plan in supporting core services.

Athena: It appears so. I think it’s a necessary step in the process of filling the vacancy and ensuring that the Behavioral Health Board continues to operate effectively.

Plato: Well, it seems we have reached a consensus on the matter. Shall we move to vote on the recommendation?

Socrates: Agreed. Let us proceed with the vote.

— LoCOBot


Staff ReportBehavioral Health Board Vacancy Notice.pdf

6. Approval of the Action Summary - Meeting of October 1, 2024

The Board of Supervisors is being asked to approve the Action Summary from their meeting on October 1, 2024. This summary includes all the actions taken during that meeting. The approval will have no financial impact on the General Fund. If necessary, the Board can direct the Clerk to make edits to the summary.

— LoCOBot

… or, as a Funkadelic song!

Verse 1:
In the County of Humboldt, on the eighth of October,
The Board of Supervisors got together to take a vote,
File number 24-1435, on the agenda it did lie,
Approval of the Action Summary, let’s keep the funk alive.

Funkadelic County of Humboldt, making decisions with style,
Board of Supervisors, gonna make it worth your while,
Sign the Minute Book, in accordance with the code,
Funky governance in the County of Humboldt.

Verse 2:
Strategy and discussion, core services in sight,
Supporting the community, with all of their might,
No financial impact, approval with ease,
Funkadelic governance, doing what they please.

Funkadelic County of Humboldt, making decisions with style,
Board of Supervisors, gonna make it worth your while,
Sign the Minute Book, in accordance with the code,
Funky governance in the County of Humboldt.

No other agency involved, just the Board on the move,
Alternatives considered, but the staff recommendation proved,
Editing if necessary, direct the Clerk of the Board,
Funkadelic vibes, in every single chord.

Funkadelic County of Humboldt, making decisions with style,
Board of Supervisors, gonna make it worth your while,
Sign the Minute Book, in accordance with the code,
Funky governance in the County of Humboldt.

In the County of Humboldt, they’re keeping it real,
Funkadelic leadership, with a funky appeal,
Board of Supervisors, making moves with grace,
Funkadelic County of Humboldt, in every place.

— LoCOBot


Staff ReportAction Summary - October 1, 2024.pdfMinute Sheet.pdf

7. Agency Agreement with the Tulare County Superintendent of Schools for Humboldt County Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS)- Public Health Substance Use Prevention Program to Act as the Friday Night Live (FNL) Coordinator for the Humboldt County Area

The Humboldt County Department of Health and Human Services is recommending that the Board of Supervisors approve an agreement with the Tulare County Superintendent of Schools for the Friday Night Live program, which aims to prevent substance and tobacco use among youth. The program provides leadership and mentorship skills to young individuals and engages them in activities focused on substance use prevention. The agreement includes funding of $9,000 for the facilitation and coordination of the program. It is important to support this agreement to strengthen community-oriented services for youth in Humboldt County.

— LoCOBot

… or, as a job interview!

The interviewee, Sarah, sits nervously in the conference room, her resume neatly laid out in front of her. The panel of interviewers, comprised of members of the Board of Supervisors and DHHS - Public Heath representatives, look over her information before beginning the interview.

Board Member: “Thank you for coming in today, Sarah. We’re excited to learn more about your experience and how you can contribute to our Friday Night Live program here in Humboldt County. Can you tell us about a time when you facilitated a youth-focused program aimed at substance use prevention?”

Sarah: “Of course. In my previous role at a community center, I organized a monthly after-school event focused on educating teens about the dangers of drug and alcohol use. We had guest speakers, interactive workshops, and open discussions about peer pressure and making healthy choices. It was really rewarding to see the impact it had on the participants.”

DHHS Representative: “That sounds like a great initiative. How do you plan on engaging the youth in our community and empowering them to become leaders in substance use prevention through Friday Night Live?”

Sarah: “I believe in creating a supportive and inclusive environment where young people feel valued and heard. I plan on working closely with club leaders to develop engaging and relevant programming that speaks to their interests and concerns. By providing them with the tools and resources they need to succeed, I hope to empower them to make a positive impact in their communities.”

Board Member: “Excellent. We see that you have experience working with different funding sources. How comfortable are you with budgeting and financial management in the context of a program like Friday Night Live?”

Sarah: “I am very comfortable with budgeting and financial management. In my previous roles, I was responsible for overseeing grant funds and ensuring that they were used efficiently and effectively. I understand the importance of transparency and accountability when it comes to handling public health funds, and I am confident in my ability to adhere to the guidelines set forth by the County.”

After a few more questions and discussion about the program and its goals, the interview comes to a close. The panel thanks Sarah for her time and informs her that they will be in touch with their decision shortly.

As Sarah leaves the room, she can’t help but feel hopeful about the opportunity to work with the youth of Humboldt County and make a positive impact on their lives through the Friday Night Live program.

— LoCOBot


Staff ReportHumboldt FNL SABG 2024-25

8. Request to Increase Ambulance Fee for Service Areas 1 (Northwestern Humboldt County)

The County of Humboldt is recommending an increase in ambulance fees for Service Area 1 in northwestern Humboldt County. This increase is to help cover rising costs for the ambulance service provider, Arcata-Mad River Ambulance, LLC. The Board of Supervisors is being asked to approve this rate increase to support the ambulance service’s operations and maintain trained staff. The increase will not affect reimbursement rates from Medi-Cal and Medicare, and will be funded by private revenues, not the county’s General Fund or Public Health Fund.

— LoCOBot

… or, as a Bruce Springsteen song!

A cold wind blows through the northwestern county
Where the folks rely on the ambulance for their safety
Arcata-Mad River, they need a raise
To keep their crews on the road, they say

The Board of Supervisors, they gotta decide
To approve the increase or leave folks in a bind
The fees will go up, but it’s for a good cause
To keep the ambulance rolling and following the laws

Safe and healthy communities, that’s the goal
To support and sustain, keep the people whole
Arcata-Mad River, they’re just trying to survive
Facing competition, they need to thrive

Times are tough, expenses on the rise
But the ambulance service never compromises
So let’s approve this increase, keep the service strong
For the folks in northwestern Humboldt, where they belong

Arcata-Mad River, they’re the lifeline
To those in need, rain or shine
So Board of Supervisors, make the call
Approve the increase, for one and all

— LoCOBot


Staff ReportRequest to Increase Ambulance Fee for Service Areas 1 (Northwestern Humboldt County)

9. Fiscal Year (FY) 2024-25 Supplemental Budget for the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) - Public Health Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Program (1175415) in the Amount of $72,320 (4/5 required)

The County of Humboldt is requesting approval for a budget increase of $72,320 for the Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) program in the Department of Health and Human Services for the fiscal year 2024-25. The WIC program provides nutrition counseling, breastfeeding support, and access to healthy foods for low-income women and children. The program serves approximately 2880 participants each month and offers additional services such as support groups and farmers market vouchers. The budget increase is necessary to support the program’s important services in the community. Acceptance of the increase will not affect current staffing levels.

— LoCOBot

… or, as a Pokemon duel!

In a Pokemon duel based on this information, the two Pokemon facing off would be Snorlax and Alakazam.

Snorlax represents the WIC program, providing support and sustenance to low-income women and children in need. With its bulky stature and powerful abilities, Snorlax symbolizes the program’s ability to provide nutrition counseling, breastfeeding support, and healthy foods to those who require assistance.

Alakazam, on the other hand, represents the County of Humboldt’s Board of Supervisors. With its psychic abilities and strategic thinking, Alakazam embodies the decision-making process behind approving the supplemental budget for the DHHS - Public Health WIC Program.

As the battle begins, Snorlax uses its powerful Body Slam attack to show the impact of the WIC program on the community’s health and well-being. Alakazam counters with its Psychic abilities, analyzing the financial impact and ensuring the funding is allocated properly.

The duel continues, with Snorlax demonstrating the importance of supporting families and children in need, while Alakazam evaluates the staffing impact and confirms that existing staff will be supported through the grant increase.

In the end, both Pokemon showcase their strengths and abilities, ultimately working together to ensure the success of the WIC program in Humboldt County. The Board of Supervisors approves the supplemental budget, recognizing the vital role the WIC program plays in promoting safe and healthy communities.

— LoCOBot


Staff ReportFiscal Year 2024-2025 Supplemental Budget in Public Health Fund (1175) Women, Infants, and Children Program Budget Unit (415) in the Amount of $72,320 (4/5 required)Supplemental Budget for FY24-25 415 WIC

10. Southern Trinity Area Rescue - Service Area/Zone IV Ground Ambulance Permit for Fiscal Year (FY) 2024-25

The County of Humboldt is recommending that the Board of Supervisors renew the ambulance operating permit for Southern Trinity Area Rescue for the upcoming fiscal year. This permit allows them to provide ambulance services in Southern Trinity/Eastern Humboldt. The Health Officer has reviewed the application and determined that all requirements have been met. The permit fee is $196 annually, and it is necessary to ensure needed ambulance services in certain parts of the county. This recommendation does not impact current staffing levels.

— LoCOBot

… or, as an insane conspiracy theory!

Conspiracy theory: The Board of Supervisors is secretly working with Southern Trinity Area Rescue to control and manipulate the ambulance services in Southern Trinity/Eastern Humboldt along the Highway 36 corridor. By renewing the ambulance operating permit without the public’s knowledge or input, the Board is able to influence emergency response times and dictate which areas receive adequate medical attention. This partnership between government officials and a private rescue group allows them to prioritize certain communities over others, potentially putting lives at risk for their own gain or political agenda. The $196 annual fee for the permit is just a facade to cover up the true intentions of this clandestine operation.

— LoCOBot


Staff ReportApplication - Southern Trinity Area RescuePauli-Shaw Certificate of InsurancePauli-Shaw Coverage ExtensionsPauli-Shaw Wavier of Subrogation

11. Arcata-Mad River Ambulance - Service Area/Zone I Ground Ambulance Permit for Fiscal Year (FY) 2024-25

The Humboldt County Board of Supervisors is being asked to renew the operating permit for Arcata-Mad River Ambulance for Service Area I for the next fiscal year. This is necessary for the provision of ambulance services in the county. The Health Officer has reviewed the necessary documentation and recommends approval. The permit fee is $196 annually and is deposited into the Public Health budget. It is important for the Board to authorize the renewal to ensure the continuity of ambulance services in Humboldt County.

— LoCOBot

… or, as an episode of 'The Moe Hogan Experience'!

Moe Hogan: Alright, folks, welcome back to “The Moe Hogan Experience.” Today we have a very special guest joining us, the author of a document from the County of Humboldt. Now, tell me, what’s going on with this Arcata-Mad River Ambulance situation for Fiscal Year 2024-25?

Author: Well, the recommendation is for the Board of Supervisors to authorize the renewal of the ambulance operating permit for Arcata-Mad River Ambulance for Service Area I. The Health Officer has reviewed all the necessary documentation and has deemed them fit to continue providing ambulance services in the area.

Moe Hogan: Hmm, interesting. And can you explain how this ties into the overall strategic plan for the Board of Supervisors?

Author: Absolutely. This falls under the area of focus for Safe & Healthy Communities as outlined in the strategic plan. By supporting and sustaining partnerships between public safety and partner agencies, we aim to enhance public safety in our communities.

Moe Hogan: Fascinating stuff. Now, I’ve heard some rumors about ambulance services in Humboldt County. Can you confirm or deny any of these conspiracy theories floating around?

Author: I can assure you, there are no conspiracy theories when it comes to the renewal of ambulance permits. It’s all about ensuring the safety and well-being of the residents in Humboldt County.

Moe Hogan: Well, there you have it, folks. The real deal straight from the source. Now, before we wrap up, let’s take a quick break to hear a word from our sponsor.

[Sponsored Segment]

Moe Hogan: And we’re back! Now, before we continue, let me just ask my producer to look up a quick fact for me. Hey, Mike, can you check if the fee for an ambulance permit is still $196 annually?

Producer: Actually, Moe, it looks like the fee was increased to $200 last year during the county fee review process.

Moe Hogan: Ah, well, you learn something new every day, folks. Thanks for setting me straight, Mike. And thank you to our guest for shedding some light on the Arcata-Mad River Ambulance situation. Tune in next time for more eye-opening discussions on “The Moe Hogan Experience.” Stay curious, my friends!

— LoCOBot


Staff ReportApplication - Arcata-Mad River AmbulanceAon Risk Services Central Inc COIGlobal Medical Response Inc Additional InsuredGlobal Medical Response Inc Worker Compensation

12. City Ambulance of Eureka - Service Area III (Central - Eureka) and Service Area IV (South - Fortuna and Garberville Sub-Zones) Ground Ambulance Permit for Fiscal Year (FY) 2024-2025

The Humboldt County Board of Supervisors is being asked to renew the ambulance operating permit for City Ambulance of Eureka for the upcoming fiscal year. This permit allows City Ambulance to provide ambulance services in certain areas of the county. The Health Officer has reviewed the application and documentation, and recommends approving the permit renewal. The fees for the permit are set to $196 annually and are deposited into the Public Health budget. Not renewing the permit could result in a lack of ambulance services in some parts of Humboldt County.

— LoCOBot

… or, as a detective story!

Title: The Case of the Missing Ambulance

It was a cold and foggy morning in Humboldt County, and Detective Rachel Hartley sipped her coffee as she read through the latest report from the Board of Supervisors. A ground ambulance permit renewal for City Ambulance of Eureka was on the agenda for the upcoming meeting, and everything seemed routine. But as Rachel read through the details, something caught her eye.

The ambulance operating permit was for Service Area III (Central - Eureka) and Service Area IV (South - Fortuna and Garberville Sub-Zones), and it seemed like all the necessary requirements had been met. However, Rachel couldn’t shake the feeling that something was off. She decided to do some digging of her own.

As she looked into City Ambulance of Eureka, Rachel discovered that there had been a string of complaints from residents in the Fortuna and Garberville Sub-Zones about slow response times and missed calls. She also found inconsistencies in the vehicle inspection reports provided by the company.

Rachel’s suspicions grew, and she knew she had to investigate further. She visited the City Ambulance of Eureka headquarters in Eureka and posed as a reporter doing a story on emergency services in the county. She interviewed the staff and asked about their operations, but something still didn’t add up.

Determined to get to the bottom of things, Rachel decided to follow one of the ambulances on a call. She trailed behind discreetly as the ambulance raced through the streets of Eureka, sirens blaring. But when they arrived at the specified address, Rachel was shocked to find no one in need of medical attention. It was a false alarm.

Rachel confronted the paramedics, and after some questioning, they finally broke down and confessed. It turned out that City Ambulance of Eureka had been falsifying emergency calls to meet their quota and keep their permit in good standing. They had been cutting corners and putting lives at risk just to make a profit.

Thanks to Rachel’s investigation, City Ambulance of Eureka’s permit was revoked, and the company faced legal repercussions for their actions. The residents of Fortuna and Garberville Sub-Zones could finally breathe a sigh of relief knowing that their emergency services were in good hands once again.

As she closed the case, Rachel knew that she had made a difference in her community. She had uncovered a dangerous scheme and brought those responsible to justice. And as she drove off into the foggy Humboldt County morning, she knew that her detective skills had saved lives.

— LoCOBot


Staff ReportAon Risk Services Central Inc COIGlobal Medical Response Inc Additional InsuredGlobal Medical Response Inc Worker CompensationApplication - City Ambulance of Eureka

13. Approve the List of Qualified Code Enforcement Abatement Contractors and Authorize the Director of Planning and Building to Execute Professional Services Agreements with Selected Contractors

The Humboldt County Planning and Building Department is recommending that the Board of Supervisors approve a list of qualified contractors to assist in abating public nuisances. These contractors will be tasked with addressing code enforcement violations that require abatement of properties. The Department issued a Request for Proposal and selected ten companies based on their expertise and experience. The cost of these abatements will be funded through Code Enforcement, and the contractors will be paid through professional service agreements. The Board is advised to approve the recommendation to streamline the abatement process and ensure timely completion of projects.

— LoCOBot

… or, as a science-fiction story!

The year was 2024, and the County of Humboldt was facing a growing problem of public nuisance abatements. With the increase in violations and the need for professional services to address these issues, the Planning and Building Department sought approval from the Board of Supervisors to enter into agreements with qualified contractors for abatement services.

After issuing a Request for Proposals, ten companies were selected based on their expertise and experience in handling Code Enforcement abatement projects. These companies, ranging from construction firms to environmental specialists, were deemed suitable for the task at hand.

As the Director of Planning and Building prepared to execute the Professional Service Agreements with the selected contractors, little did they know that these abatement projects would lead to a discovery that would change the course of history.

During one particularly challenging abatement project, conducted by Northcoast Environmental Construction, workers uncovered a hidden underground facility that had been buried for centuries. Inside, they found advanced technology, evidence of an ancient civilization far beyond anything previously known.

As news of the discovery spread, the Board of Supervisors scrambled to understand the implications of this find. Could this ancient technology hold the key to solving the county’s problems? Or was it a threat that needed to be contained?

Further investigation revealed that the ancient civilization had long since disappeared, leaving behind only their technological marvels. With the help of the newly appointed Abatement Contractors, the County of Humboldt was able to unlock the secrets of this advanced technology and harness its power for the betterment of society.

As the county embarked on a journey of technological advancement and exploration, they never forgot the role that the Code Enforcement Abatement Contractors played in uncovering this incredible discovery. The once mundane task of abating public nuisances had transformed into a thrilling adventure that would change the course of history for the County of Humboldt forever.

— LoCOBot


Staff ReportAttachment A - RFP PLN2024-03 Abatement Services combinedAttachment B - List of Abatement Services & Rotational QueueAttachment C - Example of Professional Services AgreementAttachment D - Sample Task Order

14. Exception to Hiring Freeze for the Humboldt County Public Defender’s Division Office, Conflict Counsel and Appropriation Transfer of Funds (4/5th Vote Required)

The Public Defender’s office in Humboldt County is requesting an exception to a hiring freeze in order to fill a vacant attorney position. The office is currently understaffed and struggling to manage a high caseload. The cost of hiring a new attorney will be covered by transferring funds from the Public Defender’s budget to the Conflict Counsel budget. It is recommended to approve this request to avoid higher costs associated with hiring private counsel.

— LoCOBot

… or, as a bedtime story!

Once upon a time, in the County of Humboldt, there was a bustling town filled with people from all walks of life. Among the residents were a group of hardworking attorneys known as the Conflict Counsel, who dedicated their lives to providing legal representation for those in need.

One day, a Deputy Public Defender from the Conflict Counsel Office submitted their resignation, leaving a void in their team. With a high caseload and strict court schedules to maintain, it was vital for the office to fill this position quickly to ensure the residents of Humboldt County received the legal representation they deserved.

The Public Defender knew that in order to continue serving their community effectively, they needed to request an exception to the hiring freeze put in place for the Fiscal Year. The Board of Supervisors listened to their plea and after much consideration, they approved the hiring of a new Deputy Public Defender to join the Conflict Counsel team.

As the days passed, the new Deputy Public Defender settled into their role, working alongside their colleagues to provide support and guidance to those in need. They attended court hearings, met with clients, reviewed evidence, and prepared legal defenses with dedication and passion.

Despite the challenges they faced, the Conflict Counsel team worked tirelessly to ensure that justice was served and that every resident of Humboldt County received fair and ethical legal representation. Their efforts did not go unnoticed, and the community was grateful for their hard work and commitment.

And so, the Conflict Counsel continued to fight for justice, making a difference in the lives of those they represented. With their dedication and unwavering determination, they inspired others to stand up for what is right and to never give up in the face of adversity.

As the sun set over the County of Humboldt, the Conflict Counsel team knew that they had made a difference in the world, one case at a time. And as the residents of the town drifted off to sleep, they felt a sense of peace knowing that they were in good hands, thanks to the brave and compassionate attorneys of the Conflict Counsel.

— LoCOBot


Staff ReportAppropriation Transfer Agenda Item 24-1382 Oct 2024.pdf

15. Resolution to Rescind Resolution No. 24-48 Proclaiming the Existence of a Facilities Emergency at 600 West Clark, Eureka (4/5 Votes Required)

The county had declared a facilities emergency due to fire damage at a leased facility in Eureka. The emergency declaration allowed for quick repairs to be made. The repair work is now complete, and staff is recommending rescinding the emergency declaration. The funding for the repairs came from insurance proceeds and the county’s budget. This action will not impact staffing. The Board of Supervisors will need to vote on whether to rescind the emergency declaration.

— LoCOBot

… or, as a pitch from a used car salesman!

Are you looking for a reliable and efficient vehicle that has been well-maintained and is ready to hit the road? Look no further than our selection of used cars at 600 West Clark, Eureka. With the emergency facilities declaration now rescinded, you can rest assured that any repairs and maintenance have been completed with care and precision.

Our vehicles come with a narrative explanation of financial impact, so you can see exactly where the funds have been allocated and how they have been used to ensure the car is in top condition. Plus, with funding sources available through insurance proceeds and professional services funds, you can trust that your investment is protected.

Don’t let this opportunity pass you by - come check out our selection of quality used cars today and drive away in a vehicle that is both affordable and reliable. The Board of Supervisors has approved the closing of this emergency, so you can feel confident in your purchase. Visit us at 600 West Clark, Eureka and drive off in your dream car today!

— LoCOBot


Staff Report2024-4-23 Executed Resolution No. 24-48.pdfResolution Rescinding a Facilities Emergency at 600 W Clark Eureka

16. Approval of Consultant Services Agreement with Geosyntec Consultants, Inc. and Supplemental Budget for Public Works Brownfield Remediation Budget, 1100165, in the amount of $210,000 in Fiscal Year 2024-25 (4/5 Vote Required)

This document is requesting approval for a supplemental budget for Brownfield Remediation efforts in Humboldt County. The budget includes funding for contracted services, county labor, and other expenses related to the project. The funding will be transferred from the Risk Management Liability Fund. The recommendation is to approve the consultant services agreement with Geosyntec Consultants, Inc. and the supplemental budget. The project aims to address contamination from a former dry cleaning site. The county reached a settlement with insurance carriers and the former property owner, and additional investigation is needed for remediation. The document also discusses alternatives to the recommendations, including circulating a Request for Proposals, but ultimately recommends approving the agreement with Geosyntec to avoid delays and ensure progress in the project.

— LoCOBot

… or, as a heartbreaking country/western song!

(Verse 1)
Well, they say that money can’t buy happiness
But it sure can buy some peace of mind
When the county came and settled that lawsuit
We thought we’d left those troubles behind

But now they’re talking ‘bout brownfield remediation
A supplemental budget, a consultant fee
I thought we were done with all this mess
But it’s starting all over again, you see

(Verse 2)
The Eureka Dry Cleaners, a source of contamination
Now we’re facing more soil and groundwater woes
Our staffing levels are low, the workload’s increasing
It feels like we’re stuck in an endless throes

And now they’re seeking more funding
To clean up this old mess
But it’s breaking my heart, it’s tearing me apart
I thought we could finally rest

I don’t know how much more we can take
The constant struggles, the never-ending fight
I just want to lay my head down and sleep
And wake up to a world that feels right

But here we are, back at square one
The county’s facing more expenses
I just don’t know how much more we can bear
This brownfield remediation, it’s leaving us defenseless

So I’ll hold onto hope, and I’ll pray for peace
But deep down I know it’s a long road ahead
This country life ain’t easy, it’s a constant battle
But we’ll fight on, no matter how hard the dread.

— LoCOBot


Staff Report1 - Humboldt Geosyntec agreement 9-9-20242 - Supplemental Budget 1100165 Brownfield Remediation

17. Supplemental Budget for Roads Heavy Equipment, 3540330, in the Amount of $156,387 for Fiscal Year (FY) 2024-25 (4/5 Vote Required)

The Public Works department is asking the Board of Supervisors to approve additional funding of $156,387 for new heavy equipment for road maintenance. The cost for the equipment has increased from the original quotes, and the funding will come from the Roads Heavy Equipment budget. If the funding is not approved, road maintenance projects will be delayed and renting the equipment would be more expensive. The money will come from the Roads Heavy Equipment budget and will not impact staffing. It is recommended to approve the funding to ensure compliance with State regulations and timely repairs on roadways.

— LoCOBot

… or, as a Dungeons & Dragons campaign!

Title: The Road to Redemption

In the County of Humboldt, the roads are in dire need of repair and maintenance. With recent natural disasters and storms wreaking havoc on the infrastructure, the Public Works department is facing a dilemma. The heavy equipment required for road maintenance and repairs is outdated and failing, putting the safety of the citizens at risk.

The Board of Supervisors has been presented with a Supplemental Budget request to fund the replacement of essential heavy equipment. However, there is a catch. A group of bandits known as the Blackstone Raiders have been causing chaos in the region, stealing resources and hindering progress on vital projects.

As the Board of Supervisors deliberates on the budget request, they receive a plea for help from a small village on the outskirts of Humboldt. The villagers are being terrorized by the Blackstone Raiders and are unable to travel on the dilapidated roads for fear of their lives.

The Board sees an opportunity to not only address the immediate need for funding but also to rid the region of the bandit threat. They enlist the help of a group of brave adventurers to accompany a convoy delivering the new heavy equipment to the village. The adventurers must protect the convoy from the Raiders and ensure the safe arrival of the equipment to the village.

Once the equipment is delivered, the adventurers are tasked with assisting the villagers in repairing the roads and fortifying their defenses against future attacks. As they work alongside the villagers, they uncover a sinister plot by the Raiders to undermine the county’s infrastructure and sow chaos.

The adventurers must delve into the heart of the Blackstone Raiders’ hideout, facing dangerous traps, fierce enemies, and a powerful leader bent on destruction. Only by thwarting the Raiders’ plans and restoring order to the region can they ensure the safety and prosperity of the County of Humboldt.

Will the adventurers rise to the challenge and secure the future of Humboldt, or will the Blackstone Raiders succeed in their nefarious scheme? The fate of the county hangs in the balance, and only those brave enough to take up the quest can decide its outcome.

— LoCOBot


Staff ReportSupplemental Budget 3540330 Roads Heavy Equipment

18. Bid Award for the Ferndale Veterans Memorial Building HVAC Upgrade Project, Project Number 170250, and Supplemental Budget for Public Works Capital Projects, 3562170, in the Amount of $325,739 (4/5 Vote Required)

The County of Humboldt is recommending that the Board of Supervisors approve a bid for upgrading the HVAC system in the Ferndale Veterans Memorial Building. The current system is outdated and needs to be replaced with a more efficient system. The total cost of the project is estimated to be $1,075,947. The funding for the project will come from the Capital Project Fund and Deferred Maintenance Fund. If the bid is approved, the project will be awarded to DelBiaggio Construction Inc. Ultimately, the goal is to improve the building’s interior climate and create a healthy environment for the community.

— LoCOBot

… or, as a chanson!

Dans le comté de Humboldt, le bâtiment des vétérans,
A besoin d’une mise à jour pour le confort des habitants.
Un système de HVAC moderne et efficace,
Pour maintenir une température agréable à chaque surface.

La construction est prévue par DelBiaggio Construction,
La plus basse des offres, une belle conclusion.
Autoriser le président à signer le contrat en toute confiance,
Après vérification des garanties et assurance, en toute prudence.

Un budget supplémentaire est requis pour le projet capital,
Pour offrir un espace confortable, c’est essentiel.
Les coûts estimés sont de trois cent vingt-cinq mille sept cent trente-neuf,
Pour le bien-être de la communauté, cela vaut la peine.

Les fonds proviennent du fonds de maintenance différée,
Pour offrir un bâtiment aux normes, plein de beauté.
Le personnel n’en sera pas impacté,
Mais les habitants en bénéficieront, c’est assuré.

Ainsi, chers Superviseurs, approuvez ce projet crucial,
Pour offrir aux vétérans un lieu confortable et virtuel.
Investir dans les installations du comté,
Pour un avenir meilleur, rempli de fierté.

— LoCOBot


Staff Report170250-Ferndale Vets HVAC Upgrades Bid Results.pdf170250-Construction Agreement Form.pdf170250-Supplemental Budget-Award.pdf

19. Accept Completed Contracts for Storm Damage Repair to Poole Road (2G015) Post Miles 2.00, 2.25, & 2.36 and Mill Street Extension (3G306) Post Mile 0.04

The County of Humboldt is recommending that the Board of Supervisors accept completed contracts for storm damage repair projects on Poole Road and Mill Street Extension. These projects were funded by FEMA and the California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services. The construction costs are $190,265.30, with FEMA funding 75% of the total amount. The Board is also asked to approve final claims for payment. The projects were necessary due to severe winter storms, flooding, and mudslides that caused damage to the roads. It is important for the Board to approve these actions to ensure completion of the projects and payment to the contractor.

— LoCOBot

… or, as a high-energy radio advertisement!

Are you ready for some action-packed news from the County of Humboldt? Get ready to accept the completed contracts for storm damage repair to Poole Road and Mill Street Extension!

On October 8th, 2024, the Board of Supervisors will be voting on accepting the completed contracts, including all change orders, for these crucial repair projects. Make sure your voice is heard and support the recommendation to approve the final claims for payment.

This high-energy project was initiated due to severe winter storms, flooding, and mudslides, and now it’s time to wrap it up and ensure our roads are safe for all residents. The funding sources include the Humboldt County Road Fund, Federal Emergency Management Agency, and California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to show your support for the completion of these vital projects. Tune in to the County of Humboldt meeting on October 8th and make a difference in your community! Let’s keep our roads safe and our county thriving. Vote for progress, vote for safety, vote to accept the completed contracts for storm damage repair. Don’t miss out on this crucial decision – be a part of the solution and support the recommendation to move forward with these essential repairs. Thank you for your support, Humboldt County!

— LoCOBot


Staff ReportExecuted Project Agreement and Change OrdersAcceptance Statements

20. Bid Authorization for the Humboldt County Regional Facility HVAC Replacement Project, Project Number 162839

The Humboldt County Regional Facility needs to replace some HVAC units, which heat and cool the building. The Board of Supervisors is being asked to approve a plan to advertise the project and open bids for construction. The project is expected to cost $206,000 and will be funded by ARPA funds and the Probation budget. The new units will be more energy efficient and meet current building codes. Staffing will not be impacted by this project. It is recommended to proceed with the project to ensure the building has a functional HVAC system.

— LoCOBot

… or, as a recipe!

Recipe for Humboldt County Regional Facility HVAC Replacement Project

- 3 rooftop package heating units
- 1 air conditioning unit for facility control room
- Ductwork system
- $206,000 budget
- ARPA Funds
- General Fund - Probation

1. Preheat the Humboldt County Regional Facility by removing three deteriorating rooftop package heating units and replacing them with new units designed to meet current code and provide energy efficient heating.
2. Install a new air conditioning unit for the facility control room to ensure proper ventilation.
3. Utilize existing ductwork system to distribute heat and air throughout the building.
4. Budget $206,000 for project costs, including construction, contingency funds, and soft costs like design and engineering.
5. Use ARPA Funds and General Fund from Probation to cover expenses.
6. Advertise the project on Oct. 8, 2024 and open bids on Nov. 5, 2024 at 2:00 PM.

Serve and enjoy a more comfortable and energy efficient Humboldt County Regional Facility!

— LoCOBot


Staff Report162839-RegionalHVAC-Drawings-092024.pdf162839-RegionalHVAC-Specifications-092024.pdf

21. Law Enforcement Services Agreement with the City of Blue Lake for Fiscal Year 2024-25 in the Amount of $190,685

The County of Humboldt is recommending that the Board of Supervisors retroactively approve an agreement with the City of Blue Lake for law enforcement services for the fiscal year 2024-25. The agreement is for $190,685 and provides 24-hour coverage by a sworn peace officer for response to calls in the city. The funding for this agreement comes from the City of Blue Lake. Not approving the agreement would leave the City of Blue Lake without law enforcement services.

— LoCOBot

… or, as a conversation between two very stoned people named Starfish and Noodles!

Starfish: *giggles* Noodles, have you ever read something so official sounding while being this baked before?

Noodles: *laughs* No way, man. This is like, some intense government stuff, dude.

Starfish: I can’t believe they’re talking about law enforcement and budgets and all that. It’s like, so serious.

Noodles: Yeah, man. But like, what if they were all just talking about… I don’t know, puppies or something? That would be way more chill.

Starfish: *giggles* Yeah, puppies would definitely make this meeting more interesting. But then again, I don’t know how much work they would get done with all the distractions.

Noodles: True, true. But hey, at least we have each other to keep things entertaining, right?

Starfish: Absolutely, my dude. We can make anything fun, even boring government meetings. *giggles*

Noodles: *laughs* For sure, man. This is definitely a night to remember.

— LoCOBot


Staff ReportAgreement to Provide LE Services








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