
DID YOU KNOW? The Lost Coast Outpost ends up writing about marijuana/cannabis issues quite frequently. Below, for your convenience, all those posts are gathered into one place. 

Do you fancy yourself knowledgable on the local industry scene and want to show how much you know? Let us know what you’d like to contribute!

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May 2010

Medical Marijuana—Now and in the Future

SoHumBorn Sunday: Weathering the Storm (Conclusion)

The Politics of Pot

April 2010

Mainstreaming Marijuana

Got a Carton of of Kush?

SoHumBorn Sunday: Weathering the Storm Part 2

Big Agribuisness not Humboldt Grower's Competitor in Near Future

Only in Humboldt—Check Out the North Coast Journal

It's 4/20 —- Time to Figure Out What to Do to Prepare for Legalization

Some Humboldt Growers Anger Their Consumers

SoHumBorn Sunday: Weathering the Storm (Part 1)

Grow Pot Across from the Sheriff's Station…

SoHumBorn Sunday: Bear Harbor

LA Times Asks "Is Humboldt's Competitive Advantage in Growing Pot, or in Growing Pot Illegally?

Other End of the Line: SoHumBorn Sunday

March 2010

Grieving the Change

SoHumBorn Sunday: Unexpected Company

Marijuana Farmers Slide off the Mantle of Secrecy: A Grower's Guild is Born

SFGate (The Chronicle Online) Perks Up at the Mention of Post Pot Economy

SoHumBorn Sunday: ToothFairy

Our Town

Helicopter in SoHum

Bravo! Humboldt County Tourism Site is Promoting Humboldt's Marijuana Premiership to the Cannatourist

The Fog of Prohibition

Legalization of Marijuana: What Could Happen?

What's After Pot

SoHumBorn Sunday

Shaken not Stirred: New Jobs in the Pot Economy

"Hell, Its Legal"

Put that in Your Pipe and Smoke It: Insecticides and Banned Chemicals Found in Dispensary Pot

February 2010

Show your Support for Humboldt Growers—HuGG One Today

High Times Editor Comments on Cannabis Cup and Outdoor Marijuana

Growing Up Green: Interviews with Children of Pot Growers


January 2010

Toking Tourists and a Marijuana Museum Here in Humboldt

Tidal Wave of Publications Aimed at Marijuana Market

Will Napa Valley be just a side trip on the way to the Emerald Triangle?

December 2009

Midage/hippy dude, looking for work

Historical Times for the Marijuana Movement

November 2009

Good Thing We Live in Humboldt or How to Embarrass your Teenager

October 2009

Welcome to Arcata—Pot City

One Step Closer to Legalizing Marijuana?

How Long Until You Earn a Million with Marijuana and Other Things You Can Learn Online

The Aftermath of Hacker Creek

Take a Bite out of Mexican Crime, Smoke US Weed?

September 2009

No Legal Recourse

August 2009

Code of the Culture

Clippers—A Large Part of the Marijuana Culture

"End the Marijuana Raids" the California Senate Urges the Feds

Sunshine and Shadow: Two Views of the Marijuana Culture and the Children Raised in it?

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