Traffic Hazard Caused by Landslide at Seeley Mcintosh Road and River Road - Emergency Crews Responding
AI SUMMARY: A traffic hazard was reported at the intersection of Seeley Mcintosh Road and River Road, with the roadway not passable due to a slide involving a tree which covered the majority of the road in dirt. Authorities were en route to the scene, estimating a 30-minute arrival time. The pile of dirt was reported to be 10 feet high and it was uncertain how far it extended past the tree. There were concerns that the roadway may be washed out 40-50 feet from the visible point. Caltrans was contacted to bring closure signage and the slide was actively sliding, prompting patrol vehicles to back up. The incident was reported to both the Sheriff's Office and CALFIRE.
— LoCOBot. AI-generated headline and summary of the CHP dispatch log below as of 8:19 p.m. Did the bot blow it? That’s going to happen from time to time. Please let us know.