Humboldt News Sources
Tuesday, Feb. 18
RHBB: Seely McIntosh Road Closed Due to Landslide
NCJ: Local 50501 'Not My Presidents Day' Draws Hundreds in Eureka
RHBB: NPR Spotlights Scotia Biomass Plant as Debate Over Its Future Grows
Times-Standard : Shelter Cove’s wildfire defense project stopped in its tracks by federal funding review
Times-Standard : Two Eel River valley men allegedly murdered two men in Oroville, says Butte County Sheriff Office
RHBB: City of Eureka Invites Community to Share Input on the Sunset Heights Housing Site
RHBB: Redway CSD Moves February Meeting, Shares Infrastructure Updates
Monday, Feb. 17
RHBB: Over 200 Protest Trump Administration in Eureka on Presidents Day
Mad River Union: OBITUARY: Jay Anthony Brown, Feb. 9, 1947 – Jan. 23, 2025
RHBB: Traffic Delays on Alderpoint Road for Garberville Sanitary District Project
Times-Standard : Hundreds rally against Trump
Times-Standard : Placeholder bill introduced to get AT&T out of carrier of last resort obligation
RHBB: Humboldt Approves Agreement as End of Potter Valley Project Nears
RHBB: Fortuna Police Department’s ‘Citizen RIMS Platform Has Been Updated for Better Community Engagement’
RHBB: Construction Begins on Alderpoint Road Tomorrow
Sunday, Feb. 16
RHBB: Three Horses Reportedly Dead After Crash on Hwy 20
RHBB: Two Adults and a Child Injured in Traffic Collision Near West Clark and California
RHBB: Vehicle Over the Bank by Bigfoot South of Benbow
RHBB: California AG Fights Providence St. Joseph’s Attempt to Dismiss Lawsuit Over Denied Emergency Abortion Care
Saturday, Feb. 15
RHBB: [Update] Broken Utility Pole Blocks Highway 36 in Eastern Humboldt
RHBB: Two Injured This Morning in Hoopa Area Crash That Brought Down Utility Pole
Times-Standard : Sister Gaia T, a queer nun and social worker, is the 2025 Hero of the Redwoods
Times-Standard : Civic calendar | Arcata, Eureka to receive year-end reports from police
RHBB: CDFW Captures and Collars 12 Gray Wolves in Northern California
RHBB: Flu Activity Remains High, But It’s Not Too Late to Get Vaccinated, Says CDPH
RHBB: Regional Partners Sign Historic MOU on Eel River Recovery
Friday, Feb. 14
RHBB: Silver Sedan Flips on Roof on Highway 36 West of Dinsmore
NCJ: Judge Takes St. Joseph Abortion Case Under Submission
RHBB: Indictment, tragedy, and Grammy wins: Humboldt’s recent highs and lows (Humboldt Last Week podcast)
Times-Standard : Lawyers spar in St. Joseph Hospital emergency abortion case
Times-Standard : Photos | Marble weekend shows off glass artistry
RHBB: Highway 101 Closed Due to Downed Power Lines Between Piercy and Leggett
RHBB: Huffman/Democrats Demand Trump Admin Restart Wildfire Prevention Work, Unfreeze Federal Firefighter Hiring
RHBB: Major Roadwork Scheduled Friday, February 14 through Thursday, February 20
Thursday, Feb. 13
RHBB: Vehicle Off Embankment on Hwy 36 East of Carlotta, One Injured
Times-Standard : Jared Huffman pushes bill to help kelp forests
Mad River Union: Sanctuary report heard, deportation fears mount
Mad River Union: DTaP vaccination urged after pertussis surge
Mad River Union: Billboard brouhaha turns up the heat
Mad River Union: MCSD, Green Diamond partner in fire prevention
Mad River Union: Three die in apt. fire
Mad River Union: Team created to study school consolidation in McK
Mad River Union: Traffic stop yields warrant arrest, drugs & guns
Mad River Union: MCSD looks to augment wastewater capacity
Mad River Union: And the Saucy Snowflake winners are…
RHBB: Huffman and Merkley Reintroduce Help Our Kelp Act to Restore Vital Marine Ecosystems
RHBB: College of the Redwoods Welcomes Dr. Rebecca Robertson as Dean of Culture, Society, and Communication
Wednesday, Feb. 12
Times-Standard : Throwback Thursday | Saturday Evening Post writer visits county in 1925
RHBB: [UPDATE 6:54 p.m.: Photos] Garage Fire at in Fortuna Area Threatens Structure and Pets