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Tinfoil Hatters / Anonymous Ideological Blowhards Waging Their Own Private Wars

Wednesday, Dec. 18, 2019

Tuluwat Examiner: Russian TV channel Rossiya 1 gloats about the “Puppet Master and Agent”

Monday, Dec. 16, 2019

Tuluwat Examiner: Bill Barr should be impeached too!

Saturday, Dec. 14, 2019

Tuluwat Examiner: tuluwatexaminer

Friday, Dec. 6, 2019

Tuluwat Examiner: Russia and Ukraine are all one big treasonous scandal

Tuluwat Examiner: Dirty deeds done dirt cheap

Wednesday, Dec. 4, 2019

Tuluwat Examiner: Putin’s puppet is an international laughing stock

Sunday, Dec. 1, 2019

Tuluwat Examiner: Evidence of the slow rolling ecological collapse

Saturday, Nov. 30, 2019

Tuluwat Examiner: Catastrophe is “probable”, and extinction “is possible”.

Friday, Nov. 29, 2019

Tuluwat Examiner: A very discouraging sign as Trump’s China trade war has a global climate impact

Thursday, Nov. 28, 2019

Tuluwat Examiner: Playing Russian roulette with the Earth’s climate

Monday, Nov. 25, 2019

Tuluwat Examiner: A huge threat to all life on Earth

Tuluwat Examiner: American consumers are paying for Trump’s stupid “Trade War”

Saturday, Nov. 23, 2019

Tuluwat Examiner: The social media rumor mill is out of control, time to check it before it wrecks us

Friday, Nov. 22, 2019

Tuluwat Examiner: And this crazy M-F’er is still in office?

Sunday, Nov. 17, 2019

Tuluwat Examiner: Americans, have become the “bad guys.”

Saturday, Nov. 16, 2019

Tuluwat Examiner: Join the real battle to reverse the climate disaster….that doesn’t kill birds

Friday, Nov. 15, 2019

Tuluwat Examiner: Stone takes the fall for his Crime Boss

Monday, Nov. 11, 2019

Tuluwat Examiner: Scam artist Trump and the Climate disaster will bankrupt the US

Sunday, Nov. 10, 2019

Tuluwat Examiner: The real power behind Trump’s depraved “game of thrones”

Friday, Nov. 8, 2019

Tuluwat Examiner: When you’re on the crazy Trump train… All roads really do lead to Putin

Tuesday, Nov. 5, 2019

Tuluwat Examiner: Trump’s Racist Rhetoric and the slow-motion civil war

Monday, Nov. 4, 2019

Tuluwat Examiner: Trump flunky Bill Barr hard at work trying to prove fantasy plots

Friday, Nov. 1, 2019

Tuluwat Examiner: The Wiyot should have veto power over any project on Tsakiyuwit

Wednesday, Oct. 30, 2019

Tuluwat Examiner: The Extinction Rebellion does accept awards, thank you

Tuesday, Oct. 29, 2019

Tuluwat Examiner: The truth about the fall of al-Baghdadi (not the Trump BS)

Saturday, Oct. 26, 2019

Tuluwat Examiner: “Nobody Is Above the Law!” Historic nationwide mobilization

Friday, Oct. 25, 2019

Tuluwat Examiner: Trump’s “insane” Ukraine Clown Posse

Thursday, Oct. 24, 2019

Tuluwat Examiner: Respected correspondent calls out Trump for his murderous lies

Tuesday, Oct. 22, 2019

Tuluwat Examiner: “It’s called genocide. That’s what it was,”

Saturday, Oct. 19, 2019

Tuluwat Examiner: The 82 violations that Trump should be impeach for…..so far

Tuluwat Examiner: Putin’s favorite candidate this election cycle

Thursday, Oct. 17, 2019

Tuluwat Examiner: All fascist are not the same

Monday, Oct. 14, 2019

Tuluwat Examiner: Today is Indigenous Peoples Day

Sunday, Oct. 13, 2019

Tuluwat Examiner: Facebook lets Trump lie at will

Tuluwat Examiner: “Impeachment…I never thought I’d see or hear that word with regard to me.” WTF?

Friday, Oct. 11, 2019

Tuluwat Examiner: Steve Kerr’s full response to the Crime Boss

Thursday, Oct. 10, 2019

Tuluwat Examiner: “we like the Kurds” we’re just going to let the Turks slaughter them

Tuesday, Oct. 8, 2019

Tuluwat Examiner: Like a World War II suicide pilot destroying America, Trump bows to Putin again

Monday, Oct. 7, 2019

Tuluwat Examiner: Anything for Vald, right Donnie?

Saturday, Oct. 5, 2019

Tuluwat Examiner: Time to confront Arcata’s evil neighbor Sun Valley Floral Farms

Friday, Oct. 4, 2019

Tuluwat Examiner: Don’t overlook that other very impeachable offense

Thursday, Oct. 3, 2019

Tuluwat Examiner: Let’s see the full transcript

Tuesday, Oct. 1, 2019

Tuluwat Examiner: Another day, another humiliation for the US

Tuluwat Examiner: Trump: “The worst mistake in American history”

Sunday, Sept. 29, 2019

Tuluwat Examiner: High profile Trump supporter calls it war

Friday, Sept. 27, 2019

Tuluwat Examiner: Russia reacts to Trump getting caught, plus more NRA troubles

Wednesday, Sept. 25, 2019

Tuluwat Examiner: The transcripts are damming, but wait! There’s so much more.

Tuesday, Sept. 24, 2019

Tuluwat Examiner: UN rightly pairs Trump with his bestie dictators pals

Monday, Sept. 23, 2019

Tuluwat Examiner: The Extinction Rebellion is in full effect

Tuluwat Examiner: Normalized rigging, cheating, and lying

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