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Saturday, Jan. 11

/r/humboldt: Question for those with uterus’s

/r/humboldt: Power lines flashing during outage

/r/humboldt: Fuck PG&E and fuck electric stoves

/r/humboldt: Hey anyone from Fortuna wanna go to a jam at Arcata tomorrow? I can cooperate with the gas money:) at 5:30pm -8:30 pm

/r/humboldt: Where's the best place to buy fresh scallops and prawns?

/r/humboldt: Day labor?

/r/humboldt: Dangerous WinCo man has red pill meltdown on handicap man who is slow at pulling into his spot lol

/r/humboldt: Working at St Joseph’s

Friday, Jan. 10

/r/humboldt: Practicing an instrument

/r/humboldt: Pueblo supermercado

/r/humboldt: Black Flag

/r/humboldt: Rant - People who Park in Tenant Parking Spots Need to Be Shamed

/r/humboldt: 101 tonight

/r/humboldt: What is going on on myrtle jso bayside cutoff?

/r/humboldt: Tesla

/r/humboldt: Best salon for curly hair?

/r/humboldt: Seeking van for camping adventures

/r/humboldt: Best piña colada?

/r/humboldt: Best Dispo to get Rosin from? Also, any local places to get glass for Puffco Peak Pro 3DXL?

/r/humboldt: Good hair stylists?

/r/humboldt: Has anyone taken their pet to Healing Spirit Animal Wellness Center and had them charge you for expensive tests then never get back to you about the results?

Thursday, Jan. 9

/r/humboldt: I want to adopt a puppy (S-Medium)

/r/humboldt: Is anyone noticing a very funky smell in Arcata around giuntolli

/r/humboldt: VHS tapes

/r/humboldt: Greenhouse Kit Recommendations for Arcata

/r/humboldt: I call this part of Arcata the Poop District, on accounts of there always being poops in the street

/r/humboldt: Best protein ball recipe

/r/humboldt: Job opportunity

/r/humboldt: My dog just escaped, jumped out the window

/r/humboldt: Why are there trans-support graphics on the busses now?

/r/humboldt: any flower fields in humboldt?

/r/humboldt: 2017 simpler times

/r/humboldt: Psychedelic parties?

/r/humboldt: Early spring?

/r/humboldt: PGE

/r/humboldt: The Makers of the New Baduwa't Documentary Want People to Get Mad About the River

Wednesday, Jan. 8

/r/humboldt: Air Raid Sirens

/r/humboldt: Sirens in Mckinleyville

/r/humboldt: What do you think about the Subway in Arcata?

/r/humboldt: Couch problems lol

/r/humboldt: Dog boarding - kennel-free recs

/r/humboldt: Drone over the bay?

/r/humboldt: Is this a Crime Scene or am I just having a moment?

/r/humboldt: a PSA on dubious health screening

/r/humboldt: What do you heat your house to?

/r/humboldt: New Dispo in Eureka Now Open!!

/r/humboldt: Trying to buy a washing machine from a guy on FB market place. What did I do wrong?

/r/humboldt: Ceramics Outside Arcata Pet Last Month?

/r/humboldt: The VERO Fiber truck was across the street from my house this morning. Map shows some green areas are active. Anyone have it up and running? How is it?

/r/humboldt: Who lost a bunny in Arcata near the plaza? He’s been hanging out in my yard the last few weeks.

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