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Saturday, Feb. 15

/r/humboldt: Info on road closures?

/r/humboldt: Looking for windshield repair recommendation

/r/humboldt: Wedding hair recommendations

/r/humboldt: Community garden

Friday, Feb. 14

/r/humboldt: Humboldt state university/cal poly students

/r/humboldt: Least favorite thing in Humboldt

/r/humboldt: Medical helicopter insurance?

/r/humboldt: I need random advice

/r/humboldt: Donate to people in need

/r/humboldt: Any idea what the bug going around is?

/r/humboldt: What’s y’all’s experience with Labcorp?

/r/humboldt: Hiking spots that do NOT allow dogs?

/r/humboldt: Maori tattoo artist

/r/humboldt: Humboldt via NextDoor app

/r/humboldt: Cleanest and safest piercing shop?

/r/humboldt: Schadenfreude Much!

/r/humboldt: How much to tip when ordering at counter?

/r/humboldt: Local environmental/ conservation volunteer groups?

/r/humboldt: Moving to Humboldt

/r/humboldt: What is there to do after work?

Thursday, Feb. 13

/r/humboldt: JOANNS??

/r/humboldt: 10.25% Sales Tax Inbound

/r/humboldt: Anyone else dealing with that stomach thing going around?

/r/humboldt: The Basement

/r/humboldt: trashy taco bell

/r/humboldt: (Old) spotlight video eureka

/r/humboldt: Blind community/support in Humboldt?

/r/humboldt: Where is there snow?

/r/humboldt: Anybody know all the old dump sites in Humboldt? Preferably Fortuna south -Bottle hunting

/r/humboldt: [Request] cal Poly Humboldt student could use your input, viz survey!

/r/humboldt: Grocery Store in Henderson Center

/r/humboldt: Caviar?

/r/humboldt: Department of Public Works and crappy streets

/r/humboldt: Magic in the Redwoods- Humboldt County‘s first three day Magic: the Gathering tournament and convention. So stoked for this.

/r/humboldt: Big brothers big sisters

/r/humboldt: Best Places To Get a Cake

Wednesday, Feb. 12

/r/humboldt: Any local businesses y'all recommend as a replacement ?

/r/humboldt: Car Camping…

/r/humboldt: Old Town Billiards Club concept - seeking feedback

/r/humboldt: Water heater advice?

/r/humboldt: Support your local healthcare union

/r/humboldt: Support your local healthcare union

/r/humboldt: Where has a good stuffed animal selection?

/r/humboldt: Anyone know what happened with Vibe productions

/r/humboldt: Trinidad power outage

/r/humboldt: Bayside Cutoff

/r/humboldt: Protest on the 17th at city halls?

/r/humboldt: Refuse plastic straws

/r/humboldt: 1999 Toyota Tacoma - where is you auto mechanic of choice?

/r/humboldt: No King’s Protest

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