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Weather West

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Thursday, Aug. 15

Weather West: A (relative) mid-August reprieve for CA, but peak of fire season may be yet to come

Thursday, Aug. 1

Weather West: After hottest July on record across most of California, more modest heat to come through mid-Aug (plus some monsoonal thunderstorms)

Sunday, July 21

Weather West: More inland heat before late July reprieve amid record-hot summer to date & escalating Western wildfires

Sunday, June 30

Weather West: Long-duration and in some cases record-breaking heatwave across much of CA in early July

Friday, May 31

Weather West: Complex weather pattern to bring notable early-season heatwave across West, including parts of California

Friday, May 17

Weather West: Quiet spring conditions persist in California, but late summer/autumn could look quite different

Tuesday, April 23

Weather West: Mild spring pattern to continue across California through early May. Plus, thoughts on summer to come…

Wednesday, March 27

Weather West: Colder system will bring widespread CA rain this weekend, with modest flood risk SoCal

Thursday, March 21

Weather West: Active, wetter and cooler pattern to return to CA for late March

Wednesday, Feb. 28

Weather West: Cold storms headed for CA, including including rare blizzard conditions in Sierra Nevada Fri-Sat

Friday, Feb. 16

Weather West: Additional storms to bring renewed flood risk to parts of CA

Saturday, Feb. 3

Weather West: Rapidly strengthening Pacific storm to bring damaging windstorm to Central California, major flash flood risk to SoCal, and a big Sierra snowstorm

Monday, Jan. 29

Weather West: Pair of major “Pineapple Express”-type atmospheric rivers to affect California Wed-Mon; elevated flood and wind risk (especially from storm #2)

Wednesday, Jan. 10

Weather West: Stronger cold storm this weekend in NorCal, then warmer and quieter weather to follow. Plus: seasonal outlook and El Niño update…

Friday, Dec. 8, 2023

Weather West: After frustrating false starts, strong indications of a major Pacific jet extension & active pattern by late Dec

Wednesday, Nov. 22, 2023

Weather West: Warm Thanksgiving ridge pattern will likely transition toward progressively wetter pattern around early Dec

Wednesday, Nov. 8, 2023

Weather West: Major early-season storm to affect CA by mid-Nov; Plus, new thoughts on implications of still-strengthening El Niño for CA winter

Tuesday, Oct. 3, 2023

Weather West: Climate change is narrowing and shifting prescribed fire windows in the western United States

Thursday, Sept. 21, 2023

Weather West: Fall-like weather pattern for CA as El Niño continues to strengthen; Odds of a second consecutive wet winter rise (though with caveats!)

Friday, Aug. 18, 2023

Weather West: Potentially historic summer storm event to unfold in SoCal this weekend as weakening Hurricane Hilary threatens to move ashore as tropical storm–causing severe flood risk in SE desert region

Saturday, Aug. 12, 2023

Weather West: Heat, humidity, and some thunderstorms to come as cut-off low sets up shop south of blocking ridge. Plus, some brief thoughts on the Maui wildfire disaster.

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Weather West: Major and prolonged heatwave develops by this weekend over CA & Southwest; Record temperatures possible in San Joaquin Valley

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Weather West: Significant, though not extreme, heatwave in California for the holiday weekend

Monday, June 5, 2023

Weather West: Unusually unsettled June pattern this week, and relatively cool pattern to continue through mid-month

Friday, May 12, 2023

Weather West: Much warmer conditions and mountain thunderstorms return to CA as extreme blocking pattern develops over western Canada

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Weather West: “The Big Melt” has arrived as early season heatwave spikes flood concerns; Cut-off low to bring cooling trend but also possibly thunderstorm outbreak next week

Monday, April 10, 2023

Weather West: Spring has sprung (finally) in California, and with warmer temperature, major snowmelt flooding looms. Plus: El Niño is rapidly developing…

Sunday, March 12, 2023

Weather West: Another strong storm may bring even more substantial and widespread flooding & wind-related impacts late Mon-Tue

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Weather West: Strong “Pineapple Express” atmospheric river to bring heavy rain, snowmelt, and a wide range of impacts to northern California

Monday, Feb. 20, 2023

Weather West: Substantial (very) low elevation snowfall possible later this week in CA as cold and active weather pattern develops

Friday, Feb. 3, 2023

Weather West: After a very active Dec-Jan, a (much) calmer start to Feb

Sunday, Jan. 8, 2023

Weather West: Very wet pattern continues, with another high-impact storm centered on Central CA Mon-Tue; hints of moderation in medium term?

Monday, Jan. 2, 2023

Weather West: Major NorCal storm Wed; potentially high impact storm/flood pattern to continue for 10+ days

Monday, Dec. 26, 2022

Weather West: Active weather pattern with prolonged East Pacific winter storm sequence into early January

Friday, Dec. 9, 2022

Weather West: Stormy and cold pattern across California, and the broader West, through mid-December.

Monday, Nov. 21, 2022

Weather West: A warm, dry (and windy, for some) Thanksgiving in California, but a pattern shift in early Dec?

Friday, Nov. 4, 2022

Weather West: Wet and cool November pattern coming up, with abundant mountain snowfall

Friday, Oct. 21, 2022

Weather West: Significant pattern change, though not necessarily significant precipitation, across California this weekend

Thursday, Sept. 15, 2022

Weather West: Much needed & beneficial (and possible September record-breaking!) rain in NorCal this weekend! Then…warm and dry conditions resume.

Wednesday, Sept. 7, 2022

Weather West: Extreme heat continues in NorCal as Hurricane Kay approaches from south, with significant SoCal impacts possible

Tuesday, Aug. 30, 2022

Weather West: Severe, dangerous, and likely record-breaking heatwave over Labor Day weekend

Thursday, Aug. 11, 2022

Weather West: ARkStorm 2.0: Climate change is increasing the risk of a California megaflood

Friday, July 15, 2022

Weather West: Slow-building heatwave across interior; possible very hot end to July with fire season accelerating

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Weather West: Pre-monsoonal moisture surge to bring scattered thunderstorms to southern/central CA, w/dry lightning threat in some areas

Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Weather West: Relatively brief but intense (inland) heatwave this week, then fairly quiescent conditions for 1-2 weeks thereafter

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Weather West: Much warmer and drier second half of May, and some thoughts about summer to come

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Weather West: A taste of April amelioration? Recurving West Pacific typhoon may help direct some substantial late-season precip to parts of NorCal, though SoCal remains dry

Thursday, March 24, 2022

Weather West: A modest “one and done” storm early next week, but trend toward re-strengthening drought continues

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Weather West: Some light to locally moderate NorCal showers to come, but a “Miracle March” it is not

Friday, Feb. 4, 2022

Weather West: A record dry January in some spots, with no precipitation currently on horizon for first half of February

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