#48. Myster DL

7:05 p.m.: This is the wrong way to burn weed smh #cannabis #cannabisculture #cannabiscommunity #Humboldt #humboldtcounty #marijuana #maryjane #Mendocino #California #cali #dab #dabs #smokeweedeveryday #shatter #growweed #forestfire
#47. Michelle Hess

5:43 p.m.: Farmer's Market fun. #eatrealfood #bravegirlliving #friendship #saturday #farmersmarket #freshfood #yoga #arcata #humboldtcounty #sunshine #itssobeautiful #fitness #healthylifestyle #tamales #freshair #gooutside
#46. Plaza

5:37 p.m.: Because eco-conscious leftovers are the bees knees! We are fully stocked in all sizes of this awesome alternative to plastic wrap. @beeswrap #beeswrap #beeswax #bees #plasticalternative #ecofriendly #ecoconscious #leftovers #foodie #keepitfresh #shoplocal #norcal #northerncalifornia #homegoods #kitchenware #lunchbox #humboldt #humboldtcounty
#45. Christi

5:35 p.m.: "Be daring, be fearless and don't be afraid that somebody is going to criticize you or laugh at you. If your ego is not involved, no one can hurt you. " - Manhala Punteer #stopdropandyoga #yogaanywhere #hanumanasa #monkeypose
#44. Eddie

5:18 p.m.: All a nigga needs is bitches money and weed. #Freeweedisthebestweed #humboldtcounty #2ouncesneverweighedsomuch
#43. Jason

5:15 p.m.: Got a show coming up on August 21st @ The Jambalaya. Poster by @pineapsys #dirtymountianproductions #jambalaya #humboldtcounty #bassmusic #wuwei #suds #digitalrust #localmusic @wuweimusic @sudsmusic
#42. sweettxkitten

5:13 p.m.: Our Reggae Crew! #reaggaeontheriver #goodtimes #lastnight #humboldtcounty #piercyca
#41. jbmaryn

5:07 p.m.: @delta.the.doberman saying hello to our friends @humboldt_hotsauce at Woofstock today @sequoiahumane #woofstock #woofstock2015 #woof #bestwoof #humboldt #humboldtco #humboldtmade #humboldtcounty #dog #dobe #dogs #doggy #doggie #deltadog #dobelove #doberman #dogstagram #dogoftheday #dobermanpride #dogsofinstagram #dobermanpinscher #doberman_pinscher #k9 #reddoberman #instadogs #instadobes
#39. Amanda Helmey

4:42 p.m.: #beachlife #ombre #redlips #stonernation #humboldtcounty #beauty #lovelife #bbwmodel #modeling
#38. Sally Ann

4:37 p.m.: #elbow #tree #ConfusionHill #attraction #california #HumboldtCounty #norcal #northerncalifornia #redwoods #RedwoodHighway #sequoia #trees #visitcalifornia
#36. Jay Bruce

4:18 p.m.: Scooping up a few brews to go #eelriverbrewery #fortuna #cali #humboldt #brew #beernecessities #beer30 #humboldtcounty #calilove #california #decisionsdecisions #aciaberry & #emeraldtriangle for the win 🍻
#35. Tomomi Barrett

4:14 p.m.: Pressed four o'clock flower earrings @ Caravan of dreams :). #pressedflower #flowers #jewelry #earrings #etsy #etsyseller #love #flowersofinstagram #instaflower #etsianofinstagram #instajewelry #instafashion #fashion #instagood #style #purple #fouroclock #clock #arcata #arcataplaza #hsu #happy #smile #humboldtcounty #garden #gardener #botanical #summer
#34. Delta

4:05 p.m.: Had a great time at Woofstock with my mum today! Even got to see some of my favorite #humboldtmade friends #roverschoice #woofstock #woofstock2015 #bestwoof #woof #humboldtcounty #humboldtco #dog #dobe #dogs #dobie #doggy #doglife #dogsofinstagram #dogstagram #dogoftheday #dobelove #doberman #dobermanpinscher #dobermansofinstagram #doberman_pinschers #instadogs #instapets #insta_dogs #instadobes #k9 #reddoberman
#33. We Should Smoke

3:59 p.m.: Gone off the bars and I'm still pearling woods like it's nothing. this one is full of an eighth of LA OG #backwoodsgang #backwoods #honeyberry #pearleditofficial #bluntgang
#32. jbmaryn

3:50 p.m.: @delta.the.doberman and I had a great time at Woofstock today. Even got to stop by and visit with out friends @sixriversbrewery @sequoiahumane #woofstock #woofstockhumboldt #bestwoof #woof #humboldtcounty #humboldtmade #humboldtco #humboldt #dogoftheday #petstagram #petscorner #pets #instadogs #instadobes #dobermanpride #doberman_pinscher #doberman #dobe #dog #dogs #doggy #brewery #brew #beer #sixriversbrewery #k9 #dogstagram #doggie #dogsofinstagram
#31. Ray Mcmillin

3:06 p.m.: Dinner, anyone? See you at the Mac Club in #McMinnville tonight for some #comedy from #HumboldtCounty
#30. Josh Baltazar

3:02 p.m.: California giants!!!! #sequoia #California #humboldtcounty #trees #sun
#29. Spencer Dybdahl Riffle

2:46 p.m.: Bebe snake 👶🐍😍 - Coast Gartersnake - #HumboldtCounty, #California. #ca #cali #norCal #westcoast #snake #animal #reptile #herp #herping #californiaHerps #gartersnake #nature #natureporn #wildlfe #wild #life #nofilter #canon #snakesofInstagram #Thamnophis #hiking #hike #explore #baby #bae #bebe #cute #adorable •
#28. beansoyer

2:38 p.m.: Same view same spot there getting tall 😍😍😍 #og #bluedream #greencrack #bluecheese #45gallonsmartpot #emraldtriangle #humboldtcounty #mendocino #trinity
#27. Shannan Cherrison

2:08 p.m.: At a birthday party with friends for Sheila #NorCal #Party #HumboldtCounty #Friends #Fun
#25. Jacks Extracts

1:57 p.m.: By @apotaroma via @RepostWhiz app: Thanks @jacksextracts for this amazing sample pack 😘😘😘 #madeinhumboldt #humboldt #humboldtcounty #shatter #bho #wakenbake #saturday #goodmorning #snakeinthegrass #bubba #greencrack #oggrouch #sourdiesel (#RepostWhiz app)
#24. Shannan Cherrison

1:29 p.m.: At Sheila's surprise birthday party so much fun #Party #HumboldtCounty #NorCal #Friends
#21. Angel Young

1 p.m.: Another beautiful piece from @herb_iron with a polished joint. #stayHI #dabheads #madeinamerica #glassofig #glassporn #highsociety #emeraldtriangle #humboldtcounty
#20. James Chris Duliakas

12:40 p.m.: Alison Huntington Raleigh. Honestly, she showed me the #gun in the #glovebox of the #68vwBug she'd #rebuilt and #roadtripped from #LA to #HumboldtCounty and more. I was #horrified that they had it, but I don't recall suspecting shed #killherself with it. I remember worrying she and Diane would wind up killing someone somewhere. I really wish you'd hung around, #Alison, you had a #greatmind #RIP
#19. Darrell Wheeler

12:32 p.m.: Present meets Past. #scotia #locomotive #steamengine #turnofthecentury #9 #humboldtcounty #mazda2 #demio2ru #internalcombustionengine #2011 #234
#17. James Chris Duliakas

12:09 p.m.: Kimberly Nightingale being wed to husband Wayne by Savannah McKenzie in #HumboldtCounty in #the80s
#16. Jay Bruce

noon: First things first! #holeinthewall sandwich #eureka #cali #humboldt #humboldtcounty #thechronic #goodeats #foodporn
#15. Shaina

11:42 a.m.: Such a beautiful way to start the morning -Yoga in the park fundraiser for little Henry🌲🌸🌅gofundme.com/x24vthk #yoga #humboldt #humboldtcounty #AliMcCallYoga
#13. Meesh.One. Love

11:23 a.m.: I had a dream that we were back in Humboldt. That I drove by our old house and someone had painted it lime green and teal. That there were weird shopping plazas all along the 101 where before there was only pasture. But the forest, the big trees and the ferns and the moss and mushrooms and the clean air, it was all exactly as magical as I remember. ✨🌲🌲🌲✨ I woke up really missing that. Our forests. I felt a little sad and then grateful that I got to spend so many years there, grateful for my experiences in those forests alone and with dear friends. And grateful that I get to visit in my dreams whenever I want. But I still felt a little sad. I said "I just wish we lived among the trees here too". And on my drive, just before the rain came, all I could see for miles lining either side of the road…trees! It's in those moments I remember that life is what you make it. That thoughts become things. That paradise is in your mind. And perception is everything. All of this, everything, exists because we think it so. What we think about and thank about, we bring about. ✨✌🏼️✨
#12. Dottie May's Closet Arcata

10:45 a.m.: #secretgarden in downtown Arcata just behind the CO-OP! @meggacrazy in the Deepest Navy Maxi Dress $38 / Jewelry by @dragonflydivajewelry 💫To purchase comment "sold, size, your email address" Limited quantities available! FREE SHIPPING! 💌💋 (model in size medium) #downtown #arcata #humboldt #humboldtcounty #hsu #humboldtstateofmind #humboldtstate #california #jasmine #dress #navy #maxidress #crystal #streetstyle #humboldthoney #like #share #follow #style #fashion #pretty #cute #curves #wow #boutique #shop #classy
#10. V¡ntag€ Av€ng€r

9:57 a.m.: Are you ready? We are at Vintage Avenger in Arcata! #vintageavengerarcata #humboldtcounty #consignment #boutique #recycled #fashion #treasurehunt #gold
#9. Leon Villagomez

9:54 a.m.: Hanging out #Arcata #Cityscape #HumboldtCounty #California #Bird #MySoma
#8. Caitlin Ehnow

9:17 a.m.: I prefer the cold, windy, pristine and isolated beaches of Northern California over the crowded, stuffy, hot beaches of socal any day. #humboldtcounty #trinidadstatebeach
#7. Home of Lil Terpies™

9:08 a.m.: Thanks @jacksextracts for this amazing sample pack 😘😘😘 #madeinhumboldt #humboldt #humboldtcounty #shatter #bho #wakenbake #saturday #goodmorning #snakeinthegrass #bubba #greencrack #oggrouch #sourdiesel
#6. jbmaryn

8:57 a.m.: @humboldtbaycoffee I'm enjoying my cup of coffee while hanging out with these two beasts @delta.the.doberman #humboldtcoffee #ilovecoffee #humboldtcounty #humboldtmade #adventuresindogsitting #dog #dogs #doggie #doggy #dogsofinstagram #dogstagram #doberman #dobelove #dobe #dobermanpinscher #endbsl #reddoberman #coffee #k9 #croppedandloved #doberman_pinscher #dobermanpride #instadobes #instadogs #pets #petscorner #petstagram #dogoftheday #bestwoof
#5. Trim Scene Solutions

8:28 a.m.: Today is the big day! Join us from 10-4 for our Six Year Anniversary Party and Vendor Fair!!! Extraction demos from Dab Genius, SubZero Scientific, Purge Labs and Extraction Contraption. Live glass blowing from Humboldt Artists Matt C, Cheese Glass and Scott Rodgers. Music from DJ's Rundat and JustOne. Food from Taqueria La Barca and Vixen Kitchen. Meet some of our favorite vendors like Twister, Triminator, Across International, Humboldt Bling, Oil Slick, Humboldt Enail and Green Broz. Come meet Jorge Cervantes and get a signed copy of his new Cannabis Encyclopedia. Huge discounts happening all day. See you soon!!!#trimscene #trimscenesolutions #dank #glass_of_ig #glassofig #weedpraylove #iwillmarrymary #highart #glassporn #dabbersdaily #highsociety #norcal #emeraldtriangle #humboldtcounty #humboldt #weedstagram #growops #girlswhosmoke #girlswhodab #bongbeauties #borobabes #w420 #wfayo #kush #cookiessf #outdoor2015 #sungrown #mmj #prop215 #whatelsewouldyouexpectfromhumboldt
#4. beansoyer

1:04 a.m.: I will lead the way even for the haters back home I am putting in work ! And I'm not looking back even if I did the 💰💰💰 would be blocking my view 😂 #NorCal #humboldtcounty #emraldtriangle
#2. Professor Laurence

12:32 a.m.: #pigsfly #moneygrowontrees #pigsdontfly #moneydoesntgrowontrees #humboldt #humboldtcounty #california
#1. RecoveredL💎ve.

12:13 a.m.: #hillerpark#hammondtrail#humboldt#humboldtcounty#norcal#dayoutside#ladybugs#iloveladybugs#buglife#naturewalk#favorite#sopretty