#38. Nick

5:43 p.m.: Taking a picture of Chris taking a picture 📷🍓😎 #strawberryrock #freeyourmind #humboldtcounty #trinidad #leftcoast
#37. aeschulz

4:25 p.m.: I stopped by the Sailor Jane pop up store at the Trinidad Artisans Market. Great ladies with lovely treasures.#Trinidad #artisansmarket #artisans #cool #jewelry #popupstores #humboldtcounty #sailorjane #humboldt
#35. Delta

3:54 p.m.: Exploring the beach today! #adventures #beach #beachdog #bestwoof #beachlife #california #collegecove #dog #dobe #dogs #doberman #endbsl #humboldtmade #humboldtcounty #instadog #k9 #norcal #ocean #pet #reddoberman #trinidad #trinidadca
#34. aeschulz

3:13 p.m.: Inside Sailor Jane's trailer at Trinidad Farmers Market #nofilter #humboldt #humboldtcounty #sailorjane #artisans #artisansmarket #Trinidad #cool
#33. Derek of the Daily Family

2:52 p.m.: #dabs #with @lucky_lurks #420 #onemoredab #glass #humboldtcounty #sourogdabs #smoking #like4like #follow4follow #like4like #follow4likesback #follow #likemypic #dabsrus #dabbing #dabbinginspace #dabinc #likeback #likesforlikes #instagood #hashtag
#32. bensbeardco

2:46 p.m.: Just returned from a glorious week of #vacation in the #northcoast of #California. Sporting some #windblown #beachbeard in this pic, but you get the idea. I am #humboldt born and bred, and it will always be #home. The week of vacation, and the #humboldtcounty #vibe helped me to decide to quit thinking about making my own #beardcare products and actually #doit. The quest for #epicbeard status and good #allnatural beard care products will continue.
#31. FarNorCal Humboldt Co.

2:31 p.m.: 🍪🏰 #cookies #towers just going on 6 weeks. #terps #terpsyoucansee #terpmanagement 💯 #organic #soilsoldier #soilnotdirt #soill #WeGrowDifferent #humboldtcounty #terpcircle got dibs 👊
#30. sacred.inner.ninja

2:26 p.m.: Dropped a lil #sticky #green #mmj #mmjgirls #eelriver #chillin #humboldtcounty #humboldtlife #farmlife #lovelife #converse #cannabis #avenueofthegiants #101 #prop215
#29. sacred.inner.ninja

2:12 p.m.: Rollin with nature #raw #rawpapers #joint #cone #flowerstagram #nature #mmj #prop215 #cannabislove #cannabiscommunity #humboldtcounty #calilove #redwoods #cannagram #farmfresh #green
#28. Sara G

1:18 p.m.: Humboldt County bound once again. Finish that schooling girl, you are making your momma proud being a strong independent woman! #humboldt #humboldtcounty #hittintheroad #newadventures #yourlifeiswhatyoumakeit #makeithappen 🌲🎓🚙✌️
#27. Jacks Extracts

1:17 p.m.: Enjoying the #bounty of #tennessee with some #moonshine from @olesmoky with @bigcat1313 . Thanks for the tasting today! #710 #shatter #jacksextracts #humboldtcounty #HumboldtGrown #hempfarming #womengrow
#26. Dori

1:01 p.m.: #discgolfkid #discgolf #discgolfbaskets #discgolfholes #Humboldt #humboldtcounty #redwoodcurtain
#25. folkinthingsup

1 p.m.: Love that flowers always find a way to bloom. :) #mayallyourhellweeks #humboldtcounty
#24. Delta

12:49 p.m.: Taking in the view #deltadog #beachdog #beach #beachlife #bestwoof #california #dog #dobe #dogs #doberman #endbsl #happydog #humboldtmade #humboldtcounty #instadog #k9 #norcal #ocean #pet #pets #relax #reddoberman #trinidad #trinidadca #view #westcoast #woof
#23. Bunlong Hong

12:34 p.m.: Wakey wakey ☕ #starbucks #coffee #caffeine #upper #beachlife #HumboldtCounty
#22. Luis Da Barber

12:19 p.m.: #instacollage#kidscut #kidscuts #barberlife #barbershop #707 #humboldtcounty #emeraltriangle #EleganceApproved #arcata #eureka #mctown #mckinleyville this is what I do. With a half of a trimmer and half of sleep. Did I mentioned in a garage with limited light…but I'm blessed enough to do my craft ….✂️💈✂️💈✂️💈
#21. Rob Jensen RampArt Skatepark

12:12 p.m.: More water balloon fun. For some reason the sausage looking balloon just wouldn't pop, but it did make for some great reactions trying to catch it #RampArt #summercamp #Arcata #Humboldt #humboldtcounty
#20. Daniel

12:06 p.m.: Found parts car text them says too on contact info but no answer hoping his doors in good shape ill snag it for the mirror and maybe cut some panels off it lol #mopar #duster #PlymouthDuster #craiglist #humboldtcounty
#19. Sonny Wong

11:49 a.m.: I got mine! @savagehenrymagazine #savagehenry #art #coverart #hillbilly #humboldt #humboldtcounty #sonnywong
#18. Jennifer

11:47 a.m.: Had a wonderful weekend with @tridawg1 who came to visit from "Down south" a.k.a. the inland Empire. I am so happy and grateful to be able to spend time friends. #friends #friendship #humboldtcounty #NorthernCalifornia #estuary #tourofcalifornia #commitment #ie
#17. Jamie Sheep n'Soaper Cohoon

11:07 a.m.: There is a town under all that smoke!!! Holy forest fires Batman! #firesinhumboldt #humboldtcounty #stupidforestfire #arcata
#16. Shannon Welch Moore

10:57 a.m.: The fortune of a peaceful perspective makes this Sunday a rich one. #peaceiswhereyoufeelit #rightsideup #farmyoga #mooreyoga #humboldtcounty
#15. Austin Saldaña

10:35 a.m.: #eureka #night #lights #nightlights #nikon #d750 #humboldtcounty #pats #patsmarket #patsnightout #nightlout ##nightowl #lowiso #longshutter #nighthours #followme #ifollowback #emeraldtriangle #humboldt #hsu
#14. Austin Saldaña

10:35 a.m.: #eureka #night #lights #nightlights #nikon #d750 #humboldtcounty #pats #patsmarket #patsnightout #nightlout ##nightowl #lowiso #longshutter #nighthours #followme #ifollowback #emeraldtriangle #humboldt #hsu
#13. Austin Saldaña

10:34 a.m.: #eureka #night #lights #nightlights #nikon #d750 #humboldtcounty #pats #patsmarket #patsnightout #nightlout ##nightowl #lowiso #longshutter #nighthours #followme #ifollowback #emeraldtriangle #humboldt #hsu
#12. Graham's Brand

10:30 a.m.: #grahamcrackercrumble - Solventless ice water extract. This is what it's all about. Mt Hamilton Headband produces some of the finest full-melt bubble hash on the planet and @solventlessmind @shesbubbly knows just how to extract it without the use of harmful chemicals. I am super proud to announce a collaboration with Graham's Brand and @spiritextracts working together has been a rewarding experience. Tom and Amber share the same passion as us for creating the best possible medicinal product imaginable. "It takes team work to make the dream work!" Stop by the booth next weekend at HempCon and pick some up for yourself. #hempcon2015 #hempcon #hempconsf #healingharvestfarms #revolutionhealthcenter #solventlessmind #shesbubbly #sclabs #ibudtender #humboldt #humboldtcounty #humboldtmade #420 #weshouldsmoke #chalice #highsociety #grahamsbrand #grahamsglassgallery #icewaterhash #fullmelt #bubblehash #solventless #solfentfree #nocancer
#11. Jamie Sheep n'Soaper Cohoon

10:05 a.m.: We WERE going to walk #ferncanyon today…but I think we'll pass… #stupidforestfire #humboldtcounty #firesinhumboldt
#10. Graham's Brand

10:02 a.m.: We will be there with the booth set up and we will have all of our award winning strains and solvent-less extracts fully stocked! We are really looking forward to seeing everybody again!!! #humboldtcounty #humboldtmade #humboldt #420 #highsociety #hightimes #weshouldsmoke
#9. Lina Nguyen

9:56 a.m.: Unplugged #loves2015adventures #getoutside #goexplore #redwoodnationalpark #patrickspoint #humboldtcounty #california #camping #tentview
#8. Sweetbricks Toffee

9:18 a.m.: Flashback to a #sundayfunday when we explored the forests of Humboldt County. Yes, those are the roots of a giant tree! We need to make more time for hiking, especially with all the food we've been eating 😅. Who wants to join us after this heat wave?? Sweetbricks hosted hike: I like the sound of that. #3sistersfalls #sandiego #humboldt #humboldtcounty #hike #hiking #outdoors #socal #norcal #love #cute #trees #redwoods 🎒🌲👣
#7. Humboldt Hotsauce

8:54 a.m.: Sunday has arrived make it a Funday!! #hotsauce #humboldtcounty #oysters #sundayfunday
#6. Dean Schubert

8:10 a.m.: Thanks @meowmixmorgan for getting one of my paintings #tattooed . #humboldt #humboldttattoo #redwoods #ocean #traditionaltattoo #americanatattoos #local #humboldtmade #boldwillhold #brightandbold #flash #humboldtcounty
#5. 707og

5:36 a.m.: #707og, from #HumboldtCounty #ca #ca215 #caliweed #chemdog #headband #weshouldsmoke #thousanddollarsmoke #terps #dudeswhodab #glassofig #og #ogkush #oilrig #pushbubbler #headdies #hydro #sfbay #oc #oakland #707 #415 #510 #909 #310 #323 #714
#4. s0larian13

2:22 a.m.: 💕🐳💕#ilovemymom #thanksmom #motherandoffspring #humboldtcounty #beachbabez #babysquid #actuallystokedwhenmyparentsvisitme
#3. Brad Smith

1:04 a.m.: Where do your pint glasses come from? #the_humboldt_glass_studio #HumboldtCounty #madeinhumboldt #707 #softglass #glassofig ##
#1. Mace and Britt

12:09 a.m.: #82: Trinidad Memorial Lighthouse #101ThingsToDoInHumboldt #MaceAndBrittDo101Things #TrinidadMemorialLighthouse #HumboldtCounty #NorthernCalifornia #Adventure #Life #Travel #Tourism #Bloggers #Lighthouse #PacificOcean #WestCoast #Beach #Ocean